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本日は海外サイトより、”Finesse Carolina Rigs 101”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。

引用先:scout.com”Finesse Carolina Rigs 101”Walker Smith – Sep 20, 2015(海外サイトです)













Much like the shaky head, a finesse Carolina rig has an inherent ability to draw strikes when larger, bulkier presentations fail. More importantly, however, it’s easy to fish and doesn’t require much—if any—rod movement to achieve a tantalizing action.

“I started doing this several years ago while guiding,” Mason said. “I have a lot of clients who can’t throw a baitcaster and haven’t quite developed the feel for a traditional Texas rig. This allows someone to easily maintain bottom contact and get a bunch of bites in the process. You don’t have to do anything special, either.”

At some point in time, we’ve all been guilty of overemphasizing the importance of our rod movement throughout our retrieve. But when the fishing action is slow, sudden movements can overpower the bass and appear unnatural. That’s why the “do nothing” nature of the finesse Carolina rig is so effective.

“When I have someone who is very inexperienced, I’ll have them make a long cast, let it sink to the bottom and slowly turn their reel handle,” Mason said. “You just let the bottom do the work for you—every rock and stick with which it collides causes an erratic movement. For more experienced anglers, I suggest a simple drag-and-pause retrieve. You can’t be too aggressive with your retrieve because the lighter weight will lose contact with the bottom, so the simpler you can make it, the more productive you’ll be.”

Attention to detail is the primary factor in maximizing your effectiveness with this rig. Each time you get a bite, you need to make a mental note of several things: Did the bite occur on the pause? Did the bite occur while I was moving my bait? Was I steadily reeling my rig? This technique can be incredibly simple to pattern, so just remember—there aren’t any flukes. The fish bit at a certain point in your retrieve for a very specific reason.


「数年ほど前からガイドでこれをやり始めました。 私には、ベイトリールを扱うことができず、テキサスリグをあまり使いこなせない多くのお客さんがいるのですが、これにより、誰もが簡単にボトムコンタクトを維持し、プロセス中にたくさんのバイトを得ることができます。特別なことをする必要はありません。」

「非常に経験の浅い人へは、ロングキャストをして、ボトムまで沈ませ、リールのハンドルをただゆっくり回すようにしてもらってます。 岩や木の枝などに当たった時に不規則な動きが発生し、ロッドが勝手に仕事をしてくれるからです。経験豊富な釣り人には、私は単純なズル引き&ポーズをお勧めします。より軽いシンカーはボトムとの接触を失うので、ズル引き中にあまりにも派手なことはできません。したがって、よりシンプルにすることができれば、よりバイトは増えるようになるでしょう。




The setup of a conventional Carolina rig can become quite complicated at times, but here’s the beautiful thing about a finesse Carolina rig—it’s simple. There’s no need to stress over the small details because a basic understanding of its key components is all that’s necessary for some great fishing action.


First and foremost, Mason suggests using a spinning rod in order to avoid overpowering the rig. He prefers a 7-foot, 6-inch medium-heavy Lew’s Custom Speed Stick Magnum 3 Spinning Rod. It’s important to use a rod with a solid backbone and a softer tip in order to let the rod “load” during the hookset. More on that later.


“I like using a big spinning reel with a lot of line capacity,” Mason said. “We’re usually making long casts, so a larger spool comes in handy. My clients and I have been using a 4000 series Lew’s Team Pro Speed Spin Spinning Reel with a lot of success.”


Mason’s weight selection process is quite simple. His personal favorite is a 3/8-ounce Elite Tungsten Flippin’ Weight. When fishing in deeper water, he’ll bump up to a 1/2-ounce sinker and if he finds himself in water less than 5 feet deep, he often downsizes to a 1/4-ounce sinker.


“I haven’t really noticed the bead color making a huge difference on this rig,” Mason said. “So I don’t stress out over it. I’ve used orange beads, clear beads and even red beads with equal success. The main point of the bead is to protect your knot from the weight beating against it.”


A lightwire hook is certainly advantageous. Not only does it allow the bait to appear more natural and free-flowing, but it also allows for faster penetration at the end of a long cast. Mason has been using the 3/0 Mustad Grip Pin Hook lately and has found it to be an excellent option.


In order to increase sensitivity and help his clients achieve a solid hookset, Mason utilizes the no-stretch properties of 15-pound Vicious Braid for his main line. For his leader material, he prefers 12-pound Vicious Pro Elite Fluorocarbon over monofilament because of its low visibility and low stretch on the hookset.

Leader length

“I use a 12 to 18-inch leader at all times with this rig,” Mason said. “Because you’re using such a light weight, you don’t get the same performance out of a long leader. It doesn’t cast as well, it doesn’t ‘behave’ as well and it also gets snagged more frequently. A shorter leader maintains bottom contact easier and can easily come through taller grass, shell beds and even large brush piles. You can throw this short leader anywhere, really.”





「私は、多くのラインキャパシティー(巻取り量)を持つ大きなスピニングリールを使うのが好きです。 我々は通常、ロングキャストをしてもらっているので、大きなスプールが便利です。私のお客さんと私は4000番台のスピニングリールを多く使用して成功しています。




「ビーズの色でこのリグに大きな差がつくと感じたことはありません。 ですのでそこは強調しません。オレンジ色のビーズ、透明なビーズ、さらには赤いビーズを使って、同じように成功しました。ビーズの主な役割は、結び目をシンカーの衝撃から守ることです。






「このリグでは常に30~45センチのリーダーを使用しています」とメイソン氏は述べています。 「軽量シンカーを使用しているので、長いリーダーだと良いパフォーマンスを得ることができません。キャストもしずらく、良いアクションもしませんし、また、より引っ掛かりやすくなります。短いリーダーは、ボトムとの接触をより容易に維持し、背の高いウィードや大きなオダを容易にすり抜けてくることができます。この短いリーダーは本当にどこにでも投げることができます。


Photo by scout.com


Detecting bites on a finesse Carolina rig may take a bit of practice initially, but within a few hours, most of Mason’s clients become pretty darn good at it.

“You’ll get a few of those mushy-feeling bites like you would with a traditional Carolina rig, but this short leader takes a lot of the guess work out of it,” Mason said. “Most of your bites will feel like a ‘tick, tick’ while other times you’ll simply feel the fish start to pull away from you."

When it comes time to set the hook, resist the urge to execute a monstrous hookset. It’s a tough habit to break, but a more subtle hookset will result in a near-perfect landing ratio.

“The neat thing about this rig is that all you have to do is slowly pull against the fish and start reeling,” Mason said. “It’s really that simple. Taking up slack and setting the hook isn’t too critical. So when you get a bite, just reel down to the fish until your rod begins to load—or bend—then pull pack. Anyone can do it and enjoy an awesome landing percentage. I recently had a 14-year-old boy catch an 8-pound, 11-ounce largemouth on this rig.”




「このリグのすばらしいところは、あなたがしなければならないことは、魚が掛かったら、ゆっくりとリールを巻き始めればいいということです」とメイソン氏は語った。 「本当に簡単です。たるみを取り、アワセを入れることはあまり重要ではありません。だからあなたがバイトを得たとき、ロッドに乗ったか、または曲がったらリールを巻いてください。誰でもそれで素晴らしいランディング率を楽しむことができます。私は最近、このリグで14歳の少年に約3700グラムのラージマウスをキャッチしてもらいました。


Photo by scout.com


Because of the subtle, natural presentation of the finesse Carolina rig, your bait selection process doesn’t need to be complicated. Mason and his clients rely on four primary baits throughout the entire year.


While many anglers believe lizards to be a springtime-only bait, Mason uses a YUM Lizard throughout the entire year. It’s definitely at its best throughout the spring months, but it can be equally effective when the bass are feeding aggressively and prefer a larger meal.


“If you’re faced with stained or muddy water, a soft-plastic craw such as a YUM Mighty Craw can work wonders,” Mason said. “These baits have a great kicking action, which appeals to a bass’ lateral line in areas with low visibility. They may not be able to see very well, but they’ll certainly feel a craw bait flapping and thumping nearby.”

Stick worm

Bluebird skies may be aesthetically pleasing to anglers, but they’re often indicative of post-frontal weather and high barometric pressure. To combat these tough conditions, Mason suggests using a subtle stick worm, such as a 4 or 5-inch YUM Dinger. Its slow-sinking action and delicate side-to-side shimmy has a unique way of fooling stubborn bass.

Small swimbait

“When I notice a lot of baitfish in the area, I’ll use a pretty non-traditional approach by rigging a small YUM Swim’n Dinger on my finesse Carolina rigs,” Mason said. “If you see some bass busting shad on the surface but can’t get a bite, throw this rig past the surface activity and drag it underneath the school. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.”





「マディーウォーターの場合は、クロー系ワームが効果を発揮することがあります」とメイソン氏は述べています。 「このワームは、視界の悪いエリアのバスの側線に訴える大きなキックアクションをしています。よく見えることはできないかもしれませんが、近くで羽ばたくと確実に波動を感じるでしょう。




「私がそのエリアに多くのベイトフィッシュがいることに気付くいたら、ライトキャロに小さなシャッドテールワームをつけるという、今までには使われていないアプローチをします。 水面でバスがボイルしているのは見ることができるが、バイトに持ち込むことができない場合に、そのボイルの向こう側にキャストし、群れの下を引いてきます。あなたはきっと驚かれることでしょう。」












