Here, we want to look for areas where bass might congregate. Coves that shoot off from the main body of water offer protection from winds and currents. Islands offer good shoreline habitat. Most of these maps will also indicate what type of boat access is available to you, whether there’s a ramp for putting in boats with trailers or only access for small craft, like canoes, that are hand-launched. This gives you a good starting reference.
Now that you have a general idea of a few places to boat to, water temperature and time of season are critical. Bass spawn in the springtime. During the winter months, they generally hang out in deep water (up to 60 feet is not uncommon) and don’t feed or move a lot, since their metabolism has been slowed by the cold.
Pre-Spawn: (Water Temp 50-55° F) Water Depth 10-15 ft
Once the surface water temperature starts reaching 50-55°F, the bass will start migrating out of these deep areas and start staging in the mid-depth areas of 10-15 feet for the pre-spawn period. Feeding will start to pick up, but it’s best to fish slow lures on the bottom at first since the bass may still be a bit lethargic. As the water temperature increases, so will their aggression to faster baits higher in the water column.
Spawn: (Water Temp 55 – 70F, 66°F is optimal) Water Depth 0-10 ft
Once the spawn starts, it goes on in stages. Not all bass will spawn at the same time. Any bass that are still in the pre-spawn areas will be a lot more aggressive and chase your lure. You will probably also start seeing bass sitting on their spawning beds in shallower water.
Post Spawn: (Water Temp 70-75°F) Water Depth 0-15 ft
At this point, some bass will still be spawning, while others have moved off to other parts of the lake that offer them good opportunities to ambush bait fish. The bass that have just spawned are usually pretty hard to catch, but will sometimes strike at something that antagonizes them, like a top water bait. You’ll probably have better success chasing down bass that have moved to summering areas.
Now is the time to start looking for areas where the bass like to hide to ambush their prey. Look for areas on the map that offer steep underwater ledges – these let the bass move to cooler water quickly if they need it. Look for weed beds, docks, and bridges. Bass will hang out just outside the entrances to shallow coves if there’s a quick drop-off. Also look for any submerged trees, logs, rocks, etc.
Once the water starts cooling in the fall, bass will aggressively chase down schools of baitfish. If you suddenly hear or see a bunch of small fish break the surface (it will sound like soda fizzing quickly), then chances are there are some bass chasing them down. This is a good time to throw patterns that look like wounded minnows.
Fishing is as much a science as it is an art. These above methods are the same used by most touring pros, but don’t assume that your first day on the water with this knowledge will guarantee you success. These methods will help you refine your strategy for that day, but lure selection and more are still up to you. To quote the wise angler: “If fishing was that easy, it’d be called ‘catching’!”