As we see the colder temperatures set in for the winter the bass will once again make some changes in their daily habits; the water temperatures will drop substantially forcing them to look for warmer water. Oxygen levels will once again change and feeding time will once again move as the weather dictates. The key is understanding their habits adjusting your presentation and fishing where the fish are!
The first thing to account for is their daily habits will change as the water temperatures do; in the early winter the temperatures will slowly adjust moving the fish little by little to winter locations. You must move with them, there is a big difference in water temperatures in the mid 50’s as compared to the mid 40’s. There is still plenty of active fish with higher water temperatures and presentation of baits can be different that the lower temperatures. Locations with the mid 50’s temps will still be shallow and working structure in 4 to 8 ft. of water will be key. When the water temps hit the 40’s their locations will move off the shallow flats especially early in the morning, bass will locate near deeper water where they can get to deeper drops until the day adds some warmth to the water. One big adjustment will be time of day as it relates to feeding.
Bass will move their early feeding pattern from early in the morning to the warming part of the day, sunshine will become your friend as it will cause the bass to feed on up in the day. This change will be consistent if the water temperatures are dropping at night and warming during the day with the sun. That need to be on the water at first light every morning will be no more; sleep in and get on the water mid-morning and you will hit the feeding time.
Reaction baits will become great choices everyday as bass become active during the warming and react to baits like traps, swim jigs, spinner baits and stroking presentations like stroking a jig. This is a time where creating a bite becomes mandatory; the difference in a good fisherman in the winter has its advantage as your ability to get fish to strike will be tested every day.