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本日は海外サイトより、”Distinguishing the Best Bass Fishing Flats”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:scout.com”Distinguishing the Best Bass Fishing Flats”David A. Brown – Aug 3, 2016(海外サイトです)
“It’s not just a matter of looking at a map and saying, ‘this flat will be just as good as the one that’s the same size across the lake.’ A lot of times, they have subtle differences to them depth-wise and habitat-wise,” VanDam said eschewing the notion that a flat is a flat.
“There’s a lot to it, and you just have to break down each flat and decipher what (the details) mean.”
The 4-time Bassmaster Classic winner also notes that the flats on natural lakes like those of his home state tend to present more subtle variances than those of manmade reservoirs. This makes any change in depth or habitat that much more important.
“A lot of it has to do with what’s in the surrounding area, and it’s all relative to the lake,” VanDam said. “For instance, on a highland reservoir like Table Rock, a flat that’s 50 yards wide is pretty big, whereas up in the Great Lakes, we have flats that are miles long and a 1/4- to a 1/2-mile wide with very little depth change. On Lake St. Clair, the whole lake is basically a flat.”
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Cover: Bass may roam open water in certain low-light scenarios, but typically, cover is key. Grass is most common, as it harbors forage and provides bass concealment. Identifying the areas with vegetation immediately puts you in productive water.
“If you have a flat with milfoil on it, (this grass) only grows in a certain depth zone in a lot of lakes, say from 4 to 10 feet,” VanDam said. “So the bigger a flat is with that 4- to 10-foot zone, obviously the more grass it’s going to have and the bigger a population of fish it’s going to support.”
Geography: VanDam likes flats that taper into main lake points, as well as those that connect with major bays or creeks. Such positioning puts the flat right along migration routes and ensures groups of fish will be on or near the flat most of the year.
“How a flat lays out in relation to the river channel is important on a reservoir because of current,” VanDam said. “A flat in a bay is not the same as a main lake flat on Kentucky Lake.”
Follow the routes: Elongated depth variances found in drains and channels are the avenues of travel for predators and prey. VanDam targets even slight drops because they typically have the best grass.
Each time the Costa FLW Series holds a Potomac River event out of Marbury, Maryland, the fertile flats on either side of the main channel leading into Occoquan Bay and a lesser residential offshoot attract several anglers who fish the dense milfoil and eel grass beds.
Even small ditches slicing across flats can concentrate bass. Case in point, Casey Smith won the recent bass tournament on the Potomac by focusing on a ditch running across the massive grass flat just south of Aquia Creek. Dumping into a 12-foot hole, the modest lane dropped from the surrounding depth of 4-6 feet to about 7-8. Working the edges, especially where the ditch met the hole, proved most productive.
Fishy bottoms: VanDam finds that bottom composition can separate good flats from great ones — depending on what he’s targeting. Soft bottoms sprouting lush grass is largemouth heaven, while flats with scattered rock and sandy patches are ideal for brown fish.
「もしあなたがフラットエリアでフサモを見つけた場合、このウィードは多くの湖の特定のレンジ、例えば1.2から3メートルまでしか生えません」とバンダム氏は言いました。 「その1.2から3メートルのゾーンが明らかにもっと広いフラットエリアの場合、ウィードも多くなり、抱える魚の数も増えます」
ルートをたどってください:流れ出しやチャンネルに見られる細長い深さの違いは、捕食者と獲物のための道のりです。 バンダム氏は通常、ウィードエリアを釣っているため、わずかな落差でもターゲットにしています。
フラットを横切る小さな溝でさえ、バスを集めることができます。 ケーシー・スミス氏は、アクア・クリークのすぐ南にある大規模なウィードフラットエリアを横切って走っている溝に焦点を当て、ポトマックのバストーナメントで優勝しました。直径3.5メートルほどのウィードの穴に投げ込み、その溝の部分は周囲が深さ1.2~1.8メートルから約2.1〜2.4メートルに落ちていました。特に穴と溝が合ったところのエッジで、最もバスが釣れることが分かりました。
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When he’s exploring a flat, especially during tournament practice, VanDam makes good use of his electronics to locate high spots, depressions, rock piles, stumps and grass; but often, he just fishes his way into enlightenment.
“You have to use presentations that allow you to efficiently cover the depth zone you’re trying to target for the types of cover,” VanDam said. “If the water is stained and I’m fishing shallower grass, lipless crankbaits are one of my favorite baits for those flats in less than 10 feet.
“If it’s clear, you want to use some that draws bass from long distances and triggers bite. Something like a jerkbait or a spinnerbait is a great way to cover a lot of water quickly.”
Once he runs into the fish with his search baits, VanDam will pick apart the hot zone with baits appropriate to the depth and fish positioning. His common mix includes a dropshot, football head and Carolina rig.
In his Potomac win, Smith caught most of his bass on a 4.8-inch Keitech Swimbait in bluegill flash rigged on a 6/0 wide gap hook with a 1/4-ounce belly weight. A 7/16-ounce Gambler Southern Swim Jig with a purple Yamamoto Swim Senko and 1/2-ounce watermelon Chatterbait with a Keitech Swing Impact trailer also produced flats bites.
For his flats fishing, Jones goes with a one-two punch of a reaction bait and then a more subtle follow up. His strategy seeks first to draw strikes, but secondly to identify targets.
“It may be a buzzbait followed by a ribbontail worm, it may be a squarebill followed by a tube, it may be a swimbait followed by a creature bait,” Jones said. “You have to throw some type of moving bait that allows you to know that a bass was following or interested in your lure.
“Sometimes a fish wants country and western in a certain order. There are days when the moving bait will activate the fish and the slow bait will catch them, but you’ll never catch them on the slow bait unless you activate them with the moving bait.”
バンダム氏は、「カバーの種類とレンジを効率的に攻められるプレゼンテーションを使用する必要があります。 水が濁っていて、シャローウィードを釣る場合、3メートル以下の場所では、バイブレーションが私の好きなルアーの一つです。」
ジョーンズ氏は、「バズベイトのあとに続くのがカーリーテールのワームであるかもしれないし、スクエアビルクランクの後にチューブワームが続くかもしれないし、スイムベイトの後にクリーチャーワームかもしれない」と語った。 「まずはどのタイプのムービング系ルアーに追ってくるか、興味を示すのかを見なければなりません。」
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