It seems like times are dark right now across this great nation. If you only go by the news and social media the message is one of anger, division, trouble, and heartache.
As this comes out the election will be a few days away, and while I hope that the outcome is decided then, I am afraid the discontent and division may continue as the new president is decided, no matter who wins
That being said, for this month “From the Crow’s Nest” let’s take a break from the negative and discuss a little positive for a change.
It is so easy to be consumed in the bad, I think it’s human nature. I heard a parable one time about a person who went on their dream vacation to a wonderful destination but all they remembered was the hotel room reservation that was lost, the bad meal they had, and the flat tire the rental car got.
I think some folks are more apt than others to see the glass half empty than full, but I also think we can adjust that mentality if we focus on remaining positive in all situations and never embellishing the bad. Like a muscle, you have to work on it constantly, but with effort, most can change their outlook into a positive one, in my humble opinion.
I am passionate about the future of our nation; I have concern for our fisheries; I have to worry about our industry, and I care deeply about the Florida Guides Association. Are we doing all we can to leave a legacy of positive for the next generation of anglers? Are we representing our guide members in a manner a professional association should? Is our voice one of humble authority and respect?
I worry as all humans do, but I strive to never let it consume me when often the answer is no, perhaps we have not done all that we should to leave the Earth better than we found it. No that we could have done a little more, no that we could have gone more places, and no that we missed the mark in talking with one more potential member, one more potential friend.
I worry, but I try to channel that into action. My goal is to always be first and foremost positive in nature. I try to have a constructive effect on the people, places, and small businesses that are counting on me. My action must have a positive effect on the groups and associations I represent. This is the mission; this is the goal, and this is what I hope drives me day in and day out.
Don’t let yourself get bogged down in the “mud” of the world as shown in the news. No matter the outcome, we will get through it. If your candidates win or do not, life will still go on. Ugly ends to relationships now in the heat of conflict can only make things harder in the next challenge our people and our nation are sure to face.
Learn to agree to disagree, learn to enjoy differing opinions, and embrace that our freedom, held so dear to us as Americans, equally relates to things that we don’t agree with, so long as they’re not unlawful.
That’s the beauty of this country, many people, many walks of life, with many ideas, uniting for one common purpose. Tell me that’s not a shining example of positive. That positive beams so bright that it is the beacon of the world, truth be known.
Remember, no matter what’s occurring humanly, the sunrises are still beautiful, the fish and outdoors we love are a blessing, and each day on this earth is a gift not to be squandered. Enjoy each day, make the most of them, and find the positive. You will be better off, and happier, I promise.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.