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本日は海外サイトより、”Hair Jigs Are Versatile Smallmouth Catchers”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:bassresource.com”Hair Jigs Are Versatile Smallmouth Catchers”By Pete M. Anderson(海外サイトです)
アメリカのバスフィッシング専門メディア「Bass Resource」のこの記事では、セスフェイダーが普段からヘアジグの使い分けでどうスモールマウスバスを釣っているのかということが書かれています。
Feider packs hair jigs when he hits the road with the Elite Series. While he’s caught some spotted bass at Southern stops and largemouth all over with them, he said they work best for shallow smallmouth in spring and early summer. “In clear water, especially when it’s not super windy,” he said.
It’s not only time of year and conditions that Feider is particular about when fishing a hair jig. He only fishes with ones tied with marabou, feathers most often taken from chickens and turkeys. With a sturdy quill that easily ties into a jig, their fluffy plume ripples with the slightest motion, making the jig look alive underwater. “It’s the most subtle thing,” he said.
That action makes marabou jigs a good imitator of baitfish and insects such as mayflies. “It will catch big ones, but it is more of a numbers bait,” Feider said. He has caught smallmouth up to 6 pounds on one. “You’re going to catch all of them,” he said. He likened it to fishing a stick worm such as a Yamamoto Senko. As you fish along, every bass that sees it will bite it. “You just have to keep catching them, and eventually you will catch a big one,” he said.
Feider designed a marabou jig — Feider Fly — for Outkast Tackle when he couldn’t find a production model that he liked. “The hook is really important,” he said. It needs to be super sharp to penetrate with minimal effort and large enough to hold a powerful smallmouth. His go-to weight is 3/32 ounce, and he never fishes one heavier than 1/8 ounce. In extremely shallow water, he’ll drop down to a 1/16-ounce model. The light weight makes it easier for him to fish, which in this case, isn’t on bottom.
Feider swims his marabou jig slow and steady like a small swimbait, leaving out the hops and twitches that are the mainstays of fishing most hair jigs. He aims his casts so his retrieves track across rock-sand transitions. The only time he alters his retrieve is when it crosses a key piece of cover such as a boulder or log. Then he’ll let his jig pendulum down to it, hoping to entice any smallmouth that might be hiding there.
While the retrieve is subtle, Feider said some strikes can be aggressive, producing a telltale sharp tap. Most others involve a smallmouth inhaling the jig and swimming along with it. He describes their feel as his jig becoming heavier or reel binding. That’s why a premium spinning reel is vital for this technique. He said its smoothness makes strikes more distinguishable.
The correct line and rod help generate strikes. Feider fills his spinning reel with 6-pound test braided line, which has a diameter equivalent to 1- or 2-pound test monofilament. It’s less visible in clear water and easy to cast. He adds a 6- to 7-foot leader of fluorocarbon line to its end using an FG knot, which weaves the main line around the larger diameter leader. He said it’s extremely strong, and it needs to be. In order to generate casting distance with the light-weight jig, he deeply loads his rod — a medium light, fast action 7 ½-footer he designed for Daiwa’s Tatula Elite line — before whipping it forward.
Rod speed is one factor in a long cast. “You have to get the jig wet before you can cast it,” Feider said. Marabou holds water like a sponge, and every drop adds weight. He adds more by slipping a half-inch piece of Senko onto the hook, locking it with the keeper he incorporated into the Feider Fly’s design. While it can be a piece of any soft-plastic lure, his choice comes down to salt content. Senkos have a lot, he said, which makes them heavier than the same sized piece of salt-free plastic.
Feider matches the color of his Senko piece to his jig, which is almost always black. That way, after you’ve caught a bunch and the marabou feathers start to get a little beat up, it blends in.
フェイダーがヘアジグで釣るときというのは、気難しい時期やコンディションの時だけではありません。彼はマラブー(の羽根)が結ばれた物で釣りますが、その羽根は多くがニワトリや七面鳥から取らています。ジグに簡単に結びつけることができる丈夫な羽毛であり、ふわふわとした羽根がわずかな動きで波動を出し、水中でジグを生き生きと見せてくれます。 「これは最も繊細なものです」と彼は言います。
マラブージグのそのアクションは、ベイトフィッシュやメイフライのような昆虫をうまく模しています。 「これはビッグフィッシュを釣ることもできますが、数釣りもできるルアーです。」と、フェイダーは言います。彼はこれひとつで6ポンドまでのスモールマウスを釣りました。 「これは全部釣りきってしまうはずだ。」と彼は言います。ゲーリーヤマモト・ヤマセンコーのようなスティックワームを例に出します。それで釣りをしている間、それを見たすべてのバスはそれにバイトするでしょう。 「あなたはこれで数を釣っているうちに、ついにはビッグフィッシュが混じるでしょう。」彼は言います。
フェイダーは、自分が気に入るモデルが市販されていないということで、Outkast Tackleで「Feider Fly(フェイダーフライ)」というマラブージグを作りました。 「フックは本当に重要です。」と彼は言います。パワフルなスモールマウスに耐えるのに十分な強度でありつつ、最小の力で貫通させるには超シャープでなければなりません。彼のよく使うウエイトは3/32オンスで、1/8オンスよりも重いもので釣ることは決してありません。シャローウォーターでは1/16オンスを使います。この釣りはボトムを釣るものではないため、その軽さが釣りをするのをより簡単にしています。
ロッド選びはロングキャスト性能が1つの要因です。 「キャストする前にジグを濡らします。マラブーはスポンジのように水を貯くわえ、水によって重くなります。彼はさらに、ヤマセンコーを半インチに切ってフックに挿し、フェイダーフライのワームキーパーにロックすることでさらにウエイトを追加します。ワームであればなんでも良さそうですが、彼の選択は塩が含まれているかどうかによります。 「センコーにはたくさんの塩があり、同じ大きさの塩のないワームより重くなっているのです。」と彼は言います。
Photo by bassresource.com
Feider has proven the productivity of marabou jigs. But they aren’t the only ones that catch smallmouth. Bucktail, which is what most bass anglers associate with hair jigs, will produce under the right conditions.
Bucktail doesn’t pulsate like marabou. Its hollow fibers create more of a quiver at rest. They slick back when moved through the water, giving the jig a gliding fall. It holds its shape when tied, so thin and wispy or big and bulky jigs are possible. Where a particular jig falls on that spectrum determines the amount of flair at rest, how fast it sinks, and how it darts with each hop.
Bucktails are a good choice when smallmouth are holding in deep water — 10 or more feet — or swimming in cold water. Their lack of resistance means they sink fast and stay where you cast them, regardless of the current. And their subtle action won’t turn off timid bass.
Most bucktails weigh 1/2 ounce or less. Heavier ones are available, but those are mostly used for stripers or in saltwater. Ones weighing 1/8 to 1/4 ounce will cover most smallmouth fishing conditions. You’ll be best served by throwing them on a 7-foot medium spinning rod. Fast action rods are crisp enough to launch these jigs and set the hook at the end of a long cast or in deep water.
Like with Feider’s marabou jig, you’ll want to use braid and a fluorocarbon leader. The zero-stretch and small diameter braid will help you feel light bites and isn’t affected by current as much as a full length of fluorocarbon or monofilament line.
The amount of action you add to a bucktail depends on the situation. When smallmouth are active, you can add plenty of big hops. In cold water, it might take small twitches or even sliding it across the bottom to generate strikes. You’ll have to experiment to uncover which one works best. Don’t forget to try different lengths of pauses. Sometimes letting it sit motionless will make them bite, too.
When it comes to color, stick to natural hues — those that contain brown, black or white — and match the hatch. They also complement the natural action of a bucktail jig. If you’re on a Northern fishery, for example, try brown to match crawfish or small chubs or suckers. Use a white jig to imitate the shad that smallmouth eat in Southern reservoirs. And don’t worry if you can’t find the exact color you need. Tying your own is a simple process. A surprisingly small selection of materials and tools can lead to an infinite number of variations.
大部分のバックテールジグの重さは1/2オンス以下です。もっと重いものもありますが、その多くはストライパーやソルト用に使われています。 1/8〜1/4オンスのウエイトは、ほとんどのスモールマウスバス釣りの条件にマッチします。キャストするには7フィートのミディアムのスピニングロッドが最も適切でしょう。ファーストアクションのロッドは、ジグをロングキャストしディープゾーンでの充分なフッキングを可能にします。