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今日は海外サイトより”5 Tips to Catch Late Season Smallmouth Bass”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。以前に掲載しました記事を再編集して掲載しております。
引用先:scout.com”5 Tips to Catch Late Season Smallmouth Bass”TIM ALLARD12/01/2015(海外サイトです)
On Lake Erie, rocky points between 30 and 45 foot consistently hold smallmouth bass from mid October into November. Points appeal to smallmouth as they create a current break.
Massive in size, points are also feeding stations, loaded with gobies, crayfish and baitfish. Bass hunker down, waiting for food to wash up to them.
Anglers should focus on large points attached to land. These structures are travel routes for smallmouth moving deeper from shallow and mid-depth summer habitat as temperatures drop. Open-water oriented, suspending bass also return to these points during fall.
Big smallmouth like gravel and sand. Frost uses Humminbird 1100 series and Onix 8 units’ Side Imaging and 360 Imaging to locate bottom composition changes along rocky points. These transitions stack-up big bronzebacks.
“The biggest thing is finding broken rock with gravel,” Frost said. “If you find gravel, you find the fish. Otherwise, it’s sand.”
From football-field sized gravel deposits to spots the size of a driveway, a GPS waypoint’s entered for every patch. Breaks and ledges along the point are also waypointed. These icons comprise a breadcrumb trail for precision drifts on windy days. On rare, calm days, Frost hangs back and casts to these hotspots.
大きなスモールマウスは砂地や小石が好きです。フロスト氏はハミンバード1100シリーズとOnix 8ユニットのサイドイメージと360 イメージ(魚探)を使用して、岩場の岬に沿って底の組成変化(底質の変わり目)を特定します。こういった変化にはビッグスモールマウスが張り付いています。
Using 2D sonar’s also important for finding big smallmouth. Frost uses zoom to magnify the bottom.
“Even though bass are schooled up, the really big ones are belly to bottom,” Frost said. “Occasionally they’ll come up, but 99 percent of the time they’re right on bottom. You’ve got to have good electronics to find them.”
A 3 1/2-inch tube jig consistently catches fall smallmouth. Smoke and dark green tubes are best to match gobies, crayfish and baitfish on Erie. Rigging on 1/2- to 3/4-ounce Frostbite Fishing Tackle jigheads gives the tubes a fast fall to get smallmouths’ attention. It also keeps the bait on bottom so bass don’t have to chase the meal.
“I never want bait leaving bottom,” Frost said. “The slower you can move it, the more fish you’re going to catch. Even when it’s dead calm, and I’m casting and reeling back to boat, I’m constantly keeping bottom contact with it.”
In wavy, windy conditions, Frost uses drift socks to slow boat speed, aiming for a 1/2 mile-per-hour drift. The tube’s fished vertically so it stays in the sonar cone and is visible on the Humminbird’s display. The electric motor steers the boat to GPS waypoints marking gravel piles, sand patches and contour lines on a point.
Frost uses 5-pound green PowerPro braid with a 15 foot, 10-pound fluorocarbon leader. Frost believes trophy bass get conditioned and spooked by the sound of heavy braid cutting through the water; 5-pound gives him an advantage.
“The only downfall of running 5-pound line is when you snag up, odds are it will break at knot, so you loose your leader, but the extra fish you’re catching makes it worth it,” Frost said. “On average for 10 hours of fishing, I might lose 10 jigs.”
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When smallies snub tubes, Frost uses a jigging spoon to trigger reaction strikes. Top picks are a Bass Pro Shops XPS Tungsten jigging spoon or an ACME Kastmaster in gold or silver. A 3/4-ounce model works best in that deep water.
Like a jig, Frost casts a spoon in calm conditions. When windy, he drift-jigs; a 1-ounce spoon’s often needed to stay vertical.
A quick rod rip lifts the spoon a foot or two off bottom. Then the bait’s allowed to fall on slack line and settle on bottom.
“The key to the spoon is letting it sit and do nothing for two to three seconds,” Frost said. “What happens is when bass aren’t really feeding, they see that flash.”
Frost replaces factory spoon hooks for No. 2 or 4 Trokar or Mustad trebles. While jigging a spoon catches a lot of fish, Frost admits acrobatic smallmouth can shake the heavy bait free sometimes.
スモールマウスバスがチューブを見切ってしまった場合、フロストはメタルジグを使ってリアクションバイトを引き起こします。まずはバスプロショップス・XPSタングステンジギングスプーンまたはACME Kastmasterのゴールドかシルバーを使います。ディープウォーターでは3/4オンスがベストの選択でしょう。
Photo by scout.com