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本日は海外サイトより、”Bass Fishing Jigs Bass Fishing for Beginners Part 6”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:anglr.com”Bass Fishing Jigs Bass Fishing for Beginners Part 6”by Jonathan Dietz(海外サイトです)
One of the most under used jigs is a flipping jig. There’s just something about an avid bass guy that when they see thick cover, they just instinctively reach for a Texas rig with a big weight. That will get the job done, but one thing often overlooked is the hook-up to land ratio that flipping jigs have over the Texas rig.
The stiff weedguard acts to pin that hook in a fishes mouth from the pressure it applies on the roof of their mouth. This paired with the simplicity of the bait makes it a deadly option when looking to get a big fish out of heavy or thick cover.
Flipping jigs can be used in everything from thick matted vegetation, to lay-downs, to sparse cattails or tullies. There is no limit on where you can fish it, the only thing that differs is the weight that you are flipping. If you’re flipping heavy matted vegetation, you might want to reach for that 1 ½ ounce jig. When fishing thin lay-downs, you can safely reach for a ⅜ ounce or ½ ounce flipping jig. These jigs are defined by their slim pointed profile which allows them to slide in and out of cover with little resistance. The stiff weedguard keeps unwanted grass and wood from getting caught on the heavy wire hook.
To fish these jigs, you simply want to flip or pitch into matted or high percentage areas. Allowing the jig to fall freely is the key to this technique as the rate of fall sometimes triggers fish into eating the bait. To do this you either fade your rod toward the bait if you are flipping, or you don’t engaged your reel until the jig hits the bottom.
After letting the jig hit the bottom, you have to feel out how the fish want the bait moved, meaning you have to vary the action you give the bait. A solid starting point is a few semi-fast pops before i pull it out to make another pitch. Continue to play around with popping the jig in and around each structure until you feel it has been covered well.
Remember, fish can be picky and sometimes want it to sit there for a few seconds, or may need to see the jig ten times before they commit. This is a all a game of figuring the fish out.
One final note is to fish these jigs differently in matted vegetation. In matted vegetation, the fish may be suspended under the matts, so upon the initial pitch and few pops, raise your rod tip. This will bring the jig up to just below the mat. Then, pop your rod tip to give the jig some action to entice those possible suspended bass. This trick can also be implemented in lay downs when climbing over branches.
Photo by anglr.com
The name of these jigs really sums up what they are used for. This category of jig is most known for offshore fishing and catching fish that are holding on ledges, rock piles, grass edges, etc. Within this category, we have many different head styles.
For this breakdown, we will discuss two types to make things simple.
- We will talk about football heads.
- Then we will lump everything else into pointed heads.
These two types are used for the same thing, dragging them through rock to imitate crayfish. Football heads are the most commonly used offshore jigs. Looking at the head of the jig, it’s easy to know why it’s called a football head. This head is designed to rock back and forth and almost crawl through rock. The wider head helps it avoid getting hung up in small rock.
The other option, pointed head jigs, are meant for similar tasks. While they crawl through smaller rock, they are also made to crawl through wood or offshore grass as well. Football heads get hung up in grass and can struggle with going through and around wood. That wider head makes them prone to getting stuck in between limbs. This is why the pointed head jigs were designed, they are more of an all purpose offshore jig.
How To Fish A Structure Jig
When it comes to fishing these jigs, there really is only a few ways to go about using them.The most common way to fish them is simply to drag them.
Plain and simple, drag them with a sweeping motion of your rod to feel it crawling over the bottom. This works well when fishing colder water, or when fish are in a lethargic state.
The other way, is to “stroke” a jig. This means you use hard pulsating motions to snap the jig off the bottom with one or two fast strokes of the rod. This imitates a crayfish or bottom dwelling fish as it tries to escape. If you have never scene a crayfish as it flees, they come off the bottom and make a few fast scutes in one direction. This causes a reaction in bass when they see this motion. So this can work well to trigger bass if they are not eating it when you are dragging it.
Another method is a combination of both, you can drag the jig until it hits something hard and then snap it up to climb it over the structure. This works well to avoid getting hung up in wood or bigger rock.
The gear to use for this depends on the size of the jig. The size varies from ⅜ ounce jigs around shallow rock, to 1 ounce jigs for hitting rock piles in deep water offshore. It’s important to match the power of your rod to the weight of the bait. A rod with a softer tip allows for a better feel of what the jig is doing, while also for detecting strikes. A stiff backbone is needed to back up the soft tip to make sure you drive the hook home even on a long cast. For offshore fishing, a longer rod, 7’ 6”, is nice for cast ability, though a 7’ rod will be more than sufficient. For ⅜ ounce – ½ ounce jigs, a medium heavy rod is a good start to be able to handle the weight while also maintaining a feel for what the bottom vs. fish bites feel like. As you start to get into that ¾-1 oz range, the need to bump up to a heavy rod becomes necessary to handle the weight of that jig.
- ひとつはフットボールラバージグについて
- ひとつはそれ以外の尖ったヘッドを持つラバージグについて
これに使われるタックルはジグのサイズによります。サイズは、シャローの岩場の周りでは3/8オンスのジグ、ディープのロックパイルに当てていくなら1オンスのジグなどさまざまです。ロッドパワーはルアーの重量に合わせることが重要です。柔らかいティップを持つロッドは、ジグが何をしているのかをよく感知でき、バイトの検出をするのにも役立ちます。ロングキャストした場合のフッキングを確実なものにするために、ソフトティップを支える硬いバットパワーも必要です。沖での釣りの場合、7フィートのロッドであれば十分ですが、より長いロッド、7フィート6インチあるとキャスト性能が良くなります。 3/8オンスから1/2オンスのジグの場合、ミディアムヘビーのロッドはボトムも魚のバイトも感じやすいためそのウエイトを扱うのに適しています。3/4オンスから1オンスのジグを使うようであれば、ジグを跳ねさせたりと扱いやすくするためにはヘビーロッドが必要になります。
Photo by anglr.com
Swim jigs can technically be any jig that you actively swim through the water, however, the industry has developed specific jigs designed for swimming. These jigs have a pointed head to allow them to come through grass and wood with minimized snagging. They have a keeled shape that keeps them upright as they swim.
These jigs have a slightly thinner weedguard, for the most part. This allows fish to get the hook point easier when swimming the jig. A swim jig is very versatile, pitch it into a pocket in the grass and fish it like a traditional jig, and then swim it out. It’s kind of a jig catch all.
Swim Jig Considerations
To swim it, there are a few different elements you need to consider. The trailers are important depending on what you plan on imitating. For example, if you are fishing a shad spawn, then you might want a swimbait trailer or a fluke style trailer to better imitate how shad swim. When around bluegill, you might want a trailer with more aggressive action to better imitate how bluegill act around bass.You can add a lot of action to a swim jig by simple shaking the rod when swimming the jig.
What do you mean shake?
As you reel the jig in, shake the rod to give the bait a pulsating action. This can help trigger more strikes, making the bass think the bait is getting away. Again, like most techniques, you have to feel the fish out to see how they want it. As an example, sometimes, swimming a football head on the bottom by just slowly reeling it along the bottom is what it takes to trigger the fish. Other times, you have to burn it overtop of shallow grass. It all depends on the fish, but you can almost guarantee, it’s going to be different every time you go out on the water.
The gear to use is similar to a structure jig style rod. You’re always safe in the ballpark of a 7’ rod for castability, with a medium heavy action. A softer tip is important to allow the fish to get the bait. A rod that is too stiff is too reactive and will pull that jig out of a fishes mouth without letting them truly eat it. Depending on where you throw your swim jig will help you determine the perfect power of your rod. If you are fishing thick grass, or Lilly pads you want a heavier action rod, but all the while maintaining that softer tip.
Photo by anglr.com