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本日は海外サイトより、”Learn the 3 Level Rule of Fishing Current”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:scout.com”Learn the 3 Level Rule of Fishing Current”ByTYLER ANDERSON Jun 18, 2018(海外サイトです)
It’s important to understand that bass cannot hold in swift current all day; they simply don’t have the energy. It would be similar to a human running on a treadmill for 24 hours a day. That’s insane, right?
Bass must take breaks to sleep, rest and regain all of the energy they burn while feeding and moving in current. This is why casting directly into the strongest current may not be the best strategy. When bass are positioned in direct current, they’re most likely traveling from eddy to eddy, searching for their next resting spot or ambushing unsuspecting bait balls floating helplessly down the current.
Keep in mind, however, that bass are lazy animals; they will take the path of least resistance whenever possible, so they’ll spend much less time in “level one” compared to the others.
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バスは一日中速い流れの中にいることができないと考えることが重要です; 彼らは、シンプルにそれだけのエネルギーがありません。
バスは流れの中のフィーディングで動いた分のエネルギーを取り戻すために、休憩をとったり眠らなければなりません。 このため、強い流れに直接キャストするのがベストな方法ではない可能性があります。 バスが流れのなかにいるときでも、流れのゆるいところゆるいところを移動し、次の休憩地点を探したり、流れてくるであろうベイトの群れを待ち伏せています。
しかし、バスは怠け者の動物であることを覚えておいてください。 彼らは可能な限り通りやすい道を通るので、他のものと比べてこの「レベル1」では、多くの時間を過ごすことはないでしょう。
You’re also likely to find fish positioned in the slack water—or eddy—created by a piece of cover in the water. These current breaks are created by features such as branches protruding from the bank, a pile of rocks or large individual rocks. Even grass patches and weed lines can create breaks in the flow of current.
Fish will use these eddies to rest from the current, often waiting on shad or crawfish to be swept down the river. They can then shoot out quickly, grab their meal and return to the calm water to repeat the cycle throughout the day. Their prey may just float by, but can also drift into the eddy to rest, not knowing it may be the last rest they ever take.
“Level two” bass are the easiest to target, as you’re often casting to a very small, visible area. The slack water will allow you to feel your lure and set the hook much easier than fishing in the current itself.
When approaching these current eddies, it’s tempting to troll right up to the rock or laydown and start pitching. You may not realize, however, that there’s often more than meets the eye and there may be more cover you can’t easily see. If you start farther from the eddy and fish the area just down-current from what you can see, you may be surprised by how many fish you can catch in a small area.
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While fishing on the Coosa River, my friend and I tried to catch fish in the current breaks and in the current itself, but we found neither the quality or quantity of fish we were expecting. That is, until we started to target the areas with more subtle current. When we began fishing these areas, the action was incredible.
Bass, being a bit smarter than we give them credit for, will often do a little bit of work on their end for a giant payday of food, especially when they’re hungry.
The crawfish were spawning on a full moon and it was the first time this year that the crawfish had really moved out of the rocks and into the current. This made for easy, quick meals for the bass. But due to the location of the crawfish in the slow current, the bass had to keep themselves in that current to gather as much food as they could. The bass in this third category are often the most fun to catch, as they are actively hunting, unlike the bass mentioned in the first two categories.
Photo by scout.com
クーサ川で釣りをしている間、友人と私は、流れの中やカレントブレイクで魚を捕まえようとしましたが、期待していたクオリティの魚も数も見当たりませんでした。 そうです、私たちがもっと微妙な流れのエリアをターゲットにし始めるまでは、です。 私たちがこれらのエリアで釣り始めたとき、自分たちの行動は自画自賛に値するものでした。
ザリガニは満月に産卵します。今年最初の産卵を迎えて、ザリガニは岩場から出て流れの中へ向かいました。 これはバスにとって簡単でしかも素早くありつける食事が作られたようなものです。 しかし、ゆっくりとした流れの中にザリガニたちがいるため、バスもできるだけ多くの食糧を得るために、その流れの中にとどまっていなければなりませんでした。 最初の2つのレベルで述べたバスとは異なり、このレベル3のカテゴリのバスは、最も楽しい釣りを提供してくれます。
In most rivers and streams, your bass are going to be feeding on small-sized shad, crawfish or both simultaneously. These two types of forage are best suited to survive in current as opposed to other common bass forage species, such as bluegill.
When imitating these bite-sized shad, I most often choose a scrounger head with a small swimbait trailer. The scrounger has become a big-time ledge fishing bait on larger bodies of water, but it can be applied to any shallow, current-oriented situation as well.
In my experience, the water displacement created by a scrounger tends to outperform traditional swimbait setups due to its ability to attract attention. It emits an intense vibration, similar to a bladed jig or crankbait, which allows current-oriented bass to find it with less effort. My favorite combination is the Jenko Fishing Tennessee River Tremor Jig Head, paired with a 3 3/4-inch Strike King Rage Swimmer. These two choices imitate most intermediate-sized baitfish and can be used throughout the country.
The scrounger really finds its place on my deck in levels one and three, when the fish are actively feeding or traveling. It can be fished very quickly, allowing you to cover a lot of water, which increases your efficiency throughout a day of fishing. When retrieving the scrounger, I use a constant retrieve with intermittent pops and pauses.
スクラウンジャーは、レベル1とレベル3の状況で魚が積極的に回遊やフィーディングをしているとき、私のデッキでよく目にすることができます。これは非常に早い釣りができます、一日を通して広いエリアをカバーすることができ、釣りの効率を高めることができます。 スクラウンジャーをリトリーブするときは、断続的なポップ(トゥイッチ)とポーズを使います。
スクラウンジャーヘッドと小型スイムベイト Photo by scout.com
When crawfish are on the menu for current-oriented bass, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better imitation than a finesse jig. The profile and build of a finesse jig allows you to work it in and out of cover easily, while also maintaining a good hookup ratio due to its small profile.
You’ll have a lot of success with a finesse jig when the bass are sitting in slack water created by cover. Your high-percentage areas are going to be those you can see and cast to. I have also caught several quality bass with a finesse jig in moderate current, but for the most part, my bigger bites come in the eddies.
When retrieving your jig, imagine what a crawfish would do when it’s caught in the current. Crawfish don’t have much control over their bodies due to their rigid exoskeleton, so as soon as they get caught in the flow, they essentially have no choice but to ride along, bumping along the bottom. If you feel a slight change in tension, it’s time to set the hook. Bites are often characterized by complete slack; this happens when the bass initially bites the jig and retreats back into the eddy to finish its meal.
Current can be a major key to finding large populations of bass throughout much of the year and to be quite honest, it scares a lot of anglers away. If you can crack the code and figure how what to target and which lures to use, there’s a great chance you’ll have this special bite all to yourself.
Photo by scout.com