Photo by scout.com
本日は海外サイトより、”The Making of a Great Bass Angler”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:scout.com”The Making of a Great Bass Angler”by Walker Smith – Oct 3, 2017(海外サイトです)
Most of all, I was curious to know whether Palaniuk’s success revolved around his technique or his mind. Had he become really good at a bunch of techniques or had he simply learned how to read and break down water more efficiently than other anglers?
“Honestly, I could have fished the entire year out of one of my tackle trays,” Palaniuk said. “It was all about simplicity this season—just meat and potatoes-type of fishing. I had the exact same stuff in my boat. It essentially came down to a bladed jig with a Zoom Z-Craw trailer, a 3/8-ounce swim jig with a Zoom Super Speed Craw, a Storm Arashi Top Walker and a drop shot.”
In his opinion, it was his open-mindedness that allowed him to consistenly stay on top of the bass. Stubborness can be the Achilles’ heel of even the most naturally gifted angler.
“You absolutely have to have an open mind in this game,” Palaniuk said. “Even if you’re just fun fishing, you cannot be stubborn. Fish live based on conditions; they don’t have a time clock and they never have to be somewhere at a certain time. They’re in an ever-changing environment. As humans, our whole lives are dictated by time. Joining those two drastically different worlds can be really difficult if you’re not willing to roll with the punches and keep your wheels turning.
“I looked at maps of every lake and found what I thought were their spawning grounds. From there, I changed my gameplan based on the current stage of the spawn. I essentially worked my way out from their spawning locations. The spawn is really the only thing we can use as a baseline when finding fish. You know every year they’re going to spawn. It may not be the same time every year, but if you can figure out when they spawn, you’re ahead of the game. You’ll know where they’re going, now you just have to figure out how they get to and from that location.”
「正直に言うと、私はこの一年を通して1つのタックルボックスで釣ることができたのです。 今シーズンは基本的にシンプルに釣りをしようとしていました。ボートにはいつも同じものを積んでいて、それはチャターベイトにズーム・Z-Crawトレーラー、3/8ozのスイムジグにズーム・スーパースピードクロー、それからストーム・アラシ・トップウォーカー、そしてストーム・ドロップショットです。」
彼の意見では、彼が一貫してB.A.S.S.のトップに居続けることができたのはオープンマインドな考え方だと言います。 たしかに頑固さは、アングラーにとって弱点ともなるべき生まれ持った資質かもしれません。
「試合では、絶対にオープンマインドで臨まなければならない。 楽しむための釣りだとしても、頑固になることは良くありません。魚は条件に基づいて生きています。彼らは時計を持っていないし、決まった時間にどこかにいなければならないということありません。彼らは絶えず変化する環境にいます。人間は、時間に縛られて生活しています。変化に対応することをし続けなければ、この2つのまったく別の世界を融合させることは本当に難しいかもしれません。」
Palaniuk chuckled as he recited that quote on the phone. He admits that it sounds pretty stupid, but it’s what helped him win one of the most coveted trophies in bass fishing.
“I know it seems like a crazy quote, but it keeps me searching and helps me keep the fish honest in a way,” Palaniuk said. “If the fish aren’t where you are, they’re somewhere else. Don’t try to force an area on any body of water. You’ll know when you run into ‘em. If you have to ask yourself if you’ve found ‘em, you probably haven’t.”
Palaniuk started practicing a little differently this season. Instead of stressing over the menial details each practice day, he’d purposely try to find as many small clues as possible. He never tried to dial anything in until the tournament began. If you’re too honed-in on one bite or technique going into competition, he believes you’re much less likely to adapt to changing conditions.
“I just barely wanted to scratch the surface in practice,” Palaniuk said. “I’d move a lot throughout practice because eliminating water is just as important as finding the mother lode. Each section of the lake or each pattern you eliminate is one less thing you have to check or worry about during the tournament.
“I wanted to see as much as I could during practice, especially during the first two days. Even if I thought I had found potentially winning fish, I always believed I would find something better. This process allowed me to focus on smaller, more precise areas during the tournament and learn how they were using and relating to it.”
「クレイジーな質問のように思えるが、たしかに私が魚を探し続けたことで、自分を信じることができました。 もし探したところにバスがいなくても、どこかにはいるのです。ひとつのエリアにこだわらないでください。バスを見つけたら何かがわかるはずです。バスを見つけたときには自分自身に問いかけてください。それは必ずしなければなりません。」
「実際にはプラクティス中に良いエリアを荒らしたくないだけだでした。 ダメなエリアを排除することは良いエリアを見つけることと同じくらい重要なので、私はプラクティス中の移動が多くなるでしょう。排除した湖の各エリアは、トーナメント中に確認したり、心配する必要が少ないものですから。」
It’s no secret that some anglers prefer to spend their practice time on the phone talking to local sticks instead of hammering it out on the water. You won’t find many people willing to talk about it, but it was important that I asked Palaniuk his thoughts on the issue. Did he partake in the information game this year? Why or why not?
“I don’t seek out information because it doesn’t do me a bit of good,” Palaniuk said. “Going to a body of water, doing my own research ahead of time to get a general understanding of the size of fish and type of water and just fishing the current conditions helps me more than any inside information ever will. I have enough confidence in my own abilities and more importantly, I want to own any success I might have. If I do it my way, no one else can take credit for my wins. It’s 100 percent my doing and that’s the way I want it.”
He also stressed the importance of everyone, whether they’re a tournament angler or recreational angler, doing their own research.
“I love interacting with my fans on social media,” Palaniuk said. “Meeting them in person is even cooler and I really enjoy sharing things I’ve learned. But I don’t like it when people ask me for specific spots on various lakes. If you want to better yourself, you need to figure it out on your own. If you’re just fishing locations, you’re not learning. When something changes—and it will change—you don’t have a full understanding of why those fish are there. It’s nearly impossible to adapt if you fish that way. When you find the fish on your own, you have a better understanding of the entire area or pattern.
“You have to put in the work and go do it. If you really want to be the best angler you can be, you have to constantly adapt and change. If you’re not doing it on your own, you’re really shorting yourself. You may have some wins occasionally, but over time you’re going to get your teeth kicked in. You can read every Wired2fish article out there, but unless you apply it on the water, it won’t do you any good. If you look at all the hours I’ve spent on the water in a bass boat, I’ve not caught them a lot more than I have caught them. But it took 21 years of standing on the deck of a boat to learn it.”
「私にとってはたいしたことではないので、情報は求めていません。 そのエリアに行って、魚の種類や水の種類を理解し、今現在の状況を釣るために自分の研究を事前に行うことが、どんな内部情報よりも私の助けになります。私は自分自身の能力に十分な自信を持っていますし、もっと重要なことに、私は自分自身の力で成功したいのです。私が自分のやり方をしている限り、他の誰かが私の勝利を自分の手柄とすることもありません。100パーセント自分自身でやる。それが私の望むやり方だ」
「ソーシャルメディアでのファンとのやり取りは大好きです。 彼らと直接会うのはもっとクールだし、私が学んだことを分かち合うのも本当に楽しい。しかし、私に様々な湖の特定のポイント情報を求められることは好きではありません。自分自身をより良くしたいなら、自分でそれを理解する必要があります。釣り場に行っても、なにも学習しないことになります。何かが変わってしまえば、その魚がなぜそこにいるのか、いないのかを完全に理解することはできません。そういう釣りをしてしまえば、適応することはほとんど不可能です。自分で魚を見つけたときこそ、そのエリアやパターンのことをよりよく理解することができます。」
It’s a known fact that Palaniuk fishes for the win in every tournament. In an age where professional fishing can become such a financial stress to both the anglers and their families, it’s something that very few anglers choose to do.
“I cannot wrap my mind around going out and not fishing to win,” Palaniuk said. “There’s a $75,000 difference between first and second place. Why would you fish for anything other than first place? Everything you want is there. I’ve matured enough in the last seven years to be able to fish for the win and stay true to it, but still have enough damage control to avoid a disaster.
“It’s a double-edged sword and I get that. Some guys need to cash checks to make a living. But here’s my argument: Are you in that position because you’re fishing for checks? If you’re fishing to win and catching better-than-average fish and something goes wrong—you break one off or lose one—you might not win but you’ll still finish 14th or 15th. If you’re fishing for a check and something goes wrong, now instead of finishing 40th, you’re in the 60s. Fishing for the win gives you more of a buffer.”
After following professional fishing for years, it’s fascinating for me to watch the difference in fishing styles on the water. Some guys move like molasses in January. For others, it’s a wonder how they have any battery power or gas left at the end of the day. Palaniuk was able to find a delicate balance between the two styles this year.
“It all depends on where I’m fishing or what I’ve found,” he said. “As I dial in on a pattern, I feel like I start slowing down a lot more. I may fish a single brush pile for 10 minutes, but then I’m pulling up my trolling motor and moving somewhere else. I guess you could say that I fish slowly, quickly. I really started focusing on the most high-percentage areas I can find. I’m not fishing a lot of ‘in-between’ areas.
“I’ve also learned to trust my gut more. If I drive past something and it catches my attention two times, I’m going to fish it. That’s kind of my rule. There has to be a reason why, after 21 years of trying to learn bass behavior, that it’s standing out to me. Somewhere in my brain there’s a light bulb flickering that says there may be a fish there. If that happens to you on the water, spend a few minutes and go fish it.”
何年もの間プロの釣りを追っていると、水上での釣りのスタイルの違いが見られるのは魅力的なことです。 1月にはかなりスローに動く人もいれば、一日の終わりにバッテリーやガソリンが残っていない人もいます。 パラニュークは今年、2つのスタイルが絶妙なバランスだったように見えました。
「それは私がどこで釣っているのか、どこで見つけたのかによって決まりました。 パターンを見つけたら、スローダウンしたと思います。私は1つのオダで10分間釣りをしたら、エレキを上げてどこか別の場所に移動しています。これは、ゆっくりな釣りともすばやい釣りとも言えると思います。私は自分が見つけた中で本当に確率の高いエリアから始めます。よく分からないような場所では釣りをしません。」
「私はもっと直感を信頼することも学びました。ボートを運転し、2回、気になるような場所があれば、そこで釣りをするつもりです。それはマイルールのようなものです。 21年間もバスの習性を学んできましたので、何らかの理由があるのです。私の脳のどこかで電球が点滅し、そこには魚がいるかもしれないと知らせます。同じことがあなたにも起こったら、そこで数分間を使って釣りをしてみてください。」
If you put most anglers on a body of water surrounded by the best fishermen in the world, we’d be more apt to worry about their strategies instead of our own. Imagine having Jason Christie and Jacob Wheeler breathing down your neck in the AOY standings and they’re just around the bend. You’d probably be a little curious as to what they’re doing.
For Palaniuk, however, it’s more of a strategy game.
“I’m paying attention to everything on the water other than what the other guys are doing,” he said. “There are a few exceptions, though. I’ll pay attention to what a guy is doing so if we’re fishing a similar area, I can do something totally different. I also pay attention to what electronics and mapping capabilities an angler might have. If they have different maps than me, we might have a completely different idea of the area.”
大部分の釣り人は世界最高のアングラーたちに水上で囲まれれば、自分の戦略ではなく、彼らのやっていることを気にする傾向が強くなります。 ジェイソン・クリスティやジェイコブ・ウィーラーがAOYの順位争いであなたのすぐ下に迫っていることを想像してみましょう。 あなたはおそらく彼らが何をしているのか気になるはずです。
「私は他の人たちがやっていること以外に、水上のすべてに注意を払っています。 しかし、いくつかの例外があります。 私は彼らが何をしているのかに注意を払います。私たちが同じエリアで釣っているなら、私は全く違うことをします。 また、魚探のマッピング機能にも注意を払っています。 彼らが私と違う地図を持っているならば、私たちはそのエリア内でもまったく異なる発想をしているかもしれないのです。」
By now, this conversation had gone on for an hour. As Palaniuk got closer to his elk-hunting destination and service became increasingly worse, I had to ask one more thing before we lost connection.
“Dude, real quick. What’s the one thing you want people to learn from this article?”
“That’s an easy one,” he said through crackled audio. “Whether you’re a new guy and want to do this for a living or you’re a weekend guy, doing it your own way and figuring ‘em out yourself is the most rewarding thing about this game. It’s something nobody can ever take away from you.”
これまで、この電話インタビューは1時間続きました。 パラニュークが目的地である鹿狩りの場所に近づいたからか、電波が悪くなってきてしまったので、私たちは電話が切れる前に最後の質問をしました。
あっという間でしたが、 この記事からみなさんに学んでほしいと思うことは何ですか?
「それは簡単なことです。 (電波が悪い…)あなたが新人で、生活のためにバスプロをやりたい、または趣味として楽しみたいかどうかにかかわらず、自分のやり方や考えでやっていくことは、このゲームについて最も価値のあることです。 誰もあなたから奪うことのできないものなのです。」