本日はメガバスUSAホームページより、”JERKBAITS: THE SOUND OF SILENCE”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:megabassusa.com”JERKBAITS: THE SOUND OF SILENCE” by Edwin Evers, Randy Blaukat(海外サイトです)
Veteran pros Edwin Evers and Randy Blaukat both believe that sound is the least-understood way to appeal to – or repel – an otherwise curious bass. They’ve seen it time and time again, where the difference between success and failure consists of the addition or subtraction of a rattle from their jig, or the switch from a noisy crankbait to a silent one or back again.
Very few anglers, however, consider noise profiles in choosing their jerkbaits. They assume that they’re all relatively subtle and that any variations are inconsequential. That’s a mistake, Evers said.
“For most people it never crosses their mind,” he said. “They’re crazy loud, like a lipless crankbait. Anyone who’s ever listened to one in a pool knows that.” He said that throughout his career he attributes much of his incremental success to his ability to understand the impacts that all five senses have on his prey’s willingness to strike. “I’m the guy who turns his depthfinder off when he’s fishing, the one who considers the differences in the sound that braid and fluorocarbon make sliding through the grass. It all makes a difference.”
Blaukat added that even the same jerkbait can create different sounds depending on the manner or speed in which you work it. For example, a standard Megabass Vision Oneten “is noisy if you shake it end to end, but not side to side. There’s a significant difference, and you need to figure that out to adjust to the mood of the fish. These fish have keen senses – they can figure out where a minnow is in pitch black darkness – so to them even the hooks skimming against the bait make a difference.”
The amount of noise that he wants to generate has to be calibrated to fishing pressure, water clarity, and to some extent wind, all of which work to effect the aggressiveness of the fish on a given body of water. Over time, he’s become convinced that “we don’t catch near the number of fish that see our jerkbaits. Fish will come up and study them. They’ll come within inches and not hit them. When you get a fish in that sweet spot, at the point where they have to make a decision, there are definitely times when noise turns them off.”
「ほとんどの人が、このことについて頭をよぎることがありません。この音は、バイブレーションプラグのようにかなりの大音量で鳴っています。プールの中で聞いたことがある人ならお分かりでしょう。」これまでキャリアから、バスがバイトしようとする時はその五感のすべてが影響する事を理解していることが、彼の高い能力の大きな特徴であると彼は言いました。 「私は、彼が釣りをしているときにウィードにPEラインやフロロラインが擦っている音を気にして魚探をオフにする男であることを知っています。それが違いをもたらすのです。」
That’s why the pros are so excited about the introduction of the new Oneten Silent, a lure that shares the outward appearance and the exquisite finishes of its predecessors, but without the built in sound making devices. The functional differences may not be outwardly apparent, but they are the result of concerted engineering effort by the Megabass R&D team.
“We removed the internal rattles, thereby eliminating the majority of the rattling noise,” said Kenichi Iida, Product Manager for Megabass America. “And instead of equipping the lure with a weight transfer system—which generates a very loud ‘knock’ when the lure is jerked—we have a fixed weight to keep the lure balanced while remaining highly castable.”
Blaukat has long been a fan of the Megabass Silent Riser, a similarly quiet lure, but one which was designed to float with its head up, targeting a shallower range than the renowned Vision Oneten. He’d tried to weight the Silent Riser to get it to suspend, but could never get the same action out of it as the original Oneten, and particularly when the water is clear and under 50 degrees, getting that storied action and extra bit of depth are key.
The new Vision Oneten Silent solves these issues, preserving the action, head down posture, running depth, and suspend setting of the original. Now, Blaukat will often keep both versions of the Oneten on deck to see which the fish prefer that particular hour. When there’s a strong reaction bite rattles may be a positive, but when the fish are fickle or have been heavily pressured, silence is often golden. “Also, when they’re not aggressive, I tend to reel it a lot, almost like a swimbait,” he said.
Evers knows that it’s time to go quieter when fish are “following or slapping at it and I’m not hooking them good.” He’ll also switch up on his second or third pass through an area, hoping to eke out a few extra bites that others might have missed.
メガバスアメリカのプロダクトマネージャー、イイダ・ケンイチ氏は、「内部のラトルを取り除いたことで、ノイズの大部分を取り除きました。 ルアーをジャークしたときに非常に大きな「ノック音」を生み出す重心移動システムを装備する代わりに、高い飛距離性能を保ちながらもルアーをバランスよく保つための固定重心を採用しています。
新しいビジョンワンテンサイレントは、これらの問題を解決し、アクションはそのまま、頭下げの姿勢、通すレンジの深さ、そしてオリジナル譲りのサスペンド性能を持っています。現在ブロウキャット氏は、魚がその時その時でどっちを好むかを知るために、ワンテンの両方のバージョンをデッキに置いておくことがよくあります。反応がいい時はラトル音が有効かもしれませんが、魚が無気力な時やフィッシングプレッシャーが高いとき、サイレントモデルは有望になるでしょう。 「バスが積極的でないとき、私はこれを多く巻いている傾向があります、もはやスイムベイトのようなものです。」
Bucking the preferences of many other pros, Blaukat uses spinning gear for “98 percent” of his jerkbait presentations, turning to baitcasting gear only for super-shallow, larger than average bass in heavy cover situations. Spinning tackle allows him to use lighter line, which in turn reduces the effect of wind and current while allowing for longer casts – all of which provides a crucial advantage when stealth is of the essence. His favorite rod for this technique is the Megabass Orochi XX F4-68XXS “Ronin” model, which is designed for jerkbaits and specifically tuned for the Oneten series.
While the Oneten Silent may not share the same “guts” as its noisier brothers, it is offered in many of the same highly-detailed, performance proven colors, as well as some newly-added GP finish “transparent” colors that provide a subtle approach when dealing with heavy angling pressure, clear, cold water, or fish that have just come up from deep water. “Because I’m often using it in clear water and heavily pressured situations, I’ll typically have a few natural colors out on the deck, including Mat Shad and Megabass Gizzard Shad,” Evers said. “And you can never go wrong with Elegy Bone. But I’ll also make sure to have one really loud color and I’ll go back through the area and throw that one, too, before I leave.”
None of this is meant to disparage the original Oneten, which of course is the most vaunted money-producing jerkbait in recent bass tournament history. Instead, Blaukat said, anglers need to learn to “maximize water.”
“If you roll through the area with a Oneten and catch a couple, you should be able to come back through with the Silent, and maximize the area’s potential. Each bait is just a tool, and when you’re on a hard core jerkbait bite, you have to be able to offer them numerous options. Nobody knows for sure what generates a strike. So through a process of experimentation – with cadence, retrieve, depth, color and now sound – we can figure out the mood of the fish. Finally, you can’t underestimate the value of confidence in all situations, and by having this extra tool in the boat, I’m much more confident that I can dial in the bite.”
ブロウキャット氏は多くの他のプロの選択に反して、彼のジャークベイトのプレゼンテーションの98%をスピニングタックルで行い、バスのサイズが平均より大きいであろうスーパーシャローのヘビーカバーを攻めるような状況ではベイトタックルに変更します。スピニングタックルを使用すると、より軽いラインを使用できます。これにより風と流れの影響が軽減され、よりロングキャストが可能になります。自分の存在を隠したいときには重要な利点をもたらします。このテクニックのための彼のお気に入りのロッドは、ジャークベイト用、特にワンテン用に設計されチューニングされたMegabass オロチXX F4-68XXS “Ronin"モデルです。
ワンテンサイレントはこれまでのシリーズ同様のラトルは内蔵されていないかもしれませんが、それらと同等の、すでにその実力が証明されたカラーとともに新しく追加されたGP仕上げの “半透明な"カラーをもって、強いフィッシングプレッシャー、クリアウォーター、コールドウォーター、またはディープから上がってきたような魚に対する絶妙なアプローチを可能にしています。 「私はよくクリアウォーターやハイプレッシャーな状況で使っていますので、通常はマットシャッドやメガバスギザードシャッドを含むナチュラルカラーをデッキに置きます。 エレジーボーンカラーも間違いありませんね。しかし私はまた、かなり派手なカラーも持っています、そして、エリアを変える前に、通ってきたエリアを戻りながら、それを投げていきます。」