photo by In-Fisherman
引用先:In-Fisherman"Using Crankbaits For Smallmouth Bass"by | January 31st, 2016(海外サイトです)
“I do two types of cranking on Lake Erie,” Balog says. “The first is traditional—dig the bottom, bang around, shallow stuff. That’s in spring, during prespawn when water temps range from 42°F degrees through the spawn (58°F to 64°F). Bass are killing two birds with one stone at this point, feeding on every crawfish, perch, and goby they can find, which also rids the shallow spawning areas of these nest raiders. Bass are aggressive until heavy fishing pressure backs them off. Then they get a little more finicky.
“The depths we’re targeting are 2 to 8 feet. For that reason, standard ‘bass’ crankbaits are fine—Bandit 300s, Bombers 6A’s, Strike King Series 3—smaller mid-depth baits that rattle and have a wide wobble. The only modification I make is to switch hooks to #4 Gamakatsu trebles. It’s about covering water this time of year and finding the right depths. My go-to patterns are realistic perch or crawfish imitations, fire tiger, and those built around red or orange over gold.”
Colors and patterns Balog mentions generally have something to do with the prey smallmouths find in Lake Erie. Matching size or shape can be important at times. Orange seems to be a universal trigger for smallmouths, probably because it suggests their easiest and most prolific source of protein, crawdads. Putting orange spots on cranks with a paint pen, regardless of the underlying pattern, is never a dissuasive element and sometimes garners extra strikes.
“Most of my fishing, summer into fall, is done with a Rapala DT16 for a couple reasons,” he continues. “It swims with a smooth wobble and casts well. If I can’t throw half the line off my reel when casting a deep diver on the Great Lakes, I won’t use it. Conditions here often are rough and windy. And the DT16 attacks the zone where active smallmouths feed on Erie most of the time.”
In this environment, equipment needs to provide maximum sensitivity and casting distance. “I fish these baits on 10- to 12-pound Sufix Fluorocarbon. I go to 15- when I want to keep the bait higher during a shallow bite, or to 10-pound when I want the bait to dive deeper. I use a Daiwa Steez Flex Lite rod (STZ721MHRBA-FL), a 7-foot 2-inch medium-power graphite stick that tapers like glass, yet retains the speed and hook-setting abilities of graphite. Fishing for 5-pound smallmouths is quite different than fishing for largemouths. I’ve been saying that for years because there’s no doubt in my mind that graphite rods function better for cranking smallmouths than fiberglass ones.
“On a long cast, glass rods simply never hook the fish. Hooking and fighting big smallmouths aggressively is the key. When big ones jump and come off, the reasons are usually cheap or dull hooks and whippy rods that never hooked the fish. Rarely do I lose a big fish cranking with the right graphite stick.”
Graphite locks down, at some point. Fiberglass always seems to provide another quarter inch of give and smallmouths have harder mouths. At the end of ultra-long casts, it makes a difference.
”My reel is a Daiwa Zillion with a 6.3:1 gear ratio,” Balog adds. “I don’t find low-speed ‘power’ reels any more powerful than high-speed ones. Reel grips are great. They really help during long, sweaty or frigid days on rolling decks.”
“If the technique calls for hitting bottom,” Balog says, “like when you’re fishing rockpiles in spring and fall, the sweet spot in the retrieve is where the bait glances off that cover or structure. You want a bait that dives barely to the top of it. You want it deflecting, not digging. The key to deflection is to have it occur quickly and randomly.
“I pick areas with some baitfish activity on the screen,” he says. “Marking fish is even better, especially around bait and off bottom. Colors for summer cranking are definitely duller than spring. Natural baitfish patterns excel, ones with pale pearl bellies, blue or green backs, or perch patterns. I throw bright chartreuse patterns now and again just to be sure, because I’ve seen them produce so many times for smallies. Chartreuse is the exception that proves the rule.”
The primary retrieve is steady, rod-tip down, covering water. Sometimes Balog plays with speed. “As boring as it sounds, I mainly do a steady retrieve with an occasional pause. Lots of times you can keep that steady retrieve up and ‘feel’ fish around your bait. I’m not sure whether they hit it or you hit them or they’re just disturbing water around the bait, but when I feel any variation, I burn the bait for a few cranks, and that triggers a lot of strikes.
Balog prefers #2 trebles on bigger baits. “XCalibur Fat Free Shads and Strike King cranks work, but my bread and butter is a Rapala DT14 or 16. I occasionally mix in handmade wooden baits without rattles. Some of these have wide wobbles, like a Bagley B, but they swim well and mimic forage. Noise can be one of those factors you need to experiment with.”
Image by In-Fisherman
“When open-water cranking, be aware of three sweet spots,” Balog says. “The first one occurs as the crank hits maximum depth and levels out. A second sweet spot occurs when it begins rising back to the boat. When that bait is digging, digging, nose down, then turns nose up and comes back toward the boat, a ton of fish hit it right then. They think it’s a baitfish heading for the surface to get away. Also, when a crank contacts a high point on structure, bass tend to bite. Pay attention for variation in the wobble of the crank at those points in the cast—max depth and coming back up, and contacting the top of a structure.”
Conditions play a role in determining when to crank. “Wind is not a major factor,” Balog says. ” And I like sunny days. The crankbait bite on the Great Lakes usually dies on dark, overcast days, when we generally do better with drop-shot rigs.
“Smallmouths can be triggered by repeatedly casting to the same area and speeding the retrieve,”
“They’re often barely hooked, though. After catching one fish, you can generally catch several more on the same cast and retrieve. Getting the first one to bite is the key. Crankbaits generally produce fewer strikes, in general, than drop-shot rigs and tubes during summer, but the average bass is much larger.”
- 水温5.5℃~18℃
- 水深0.6~2.5mのスポーニングエリア
- ラトル入りのワイドウォブリングなクランク(バンディット300’s、ボーマー6A、ストライクキング・シリーズ3など)でボトムを叩く。
- 色はファイヤータイガー、赤金、金オレ。
- ラパラDT16をフロロ10ポンドで超ロングキャスト。
- この時のタックルはフッキングのことを考えてグラファイトロッド。
- リールはギア比6.3:1くらいのパワー系でパーミングしやすいものがいい。
- 色はナチュラル、パールベリーのブルーバックかグリーンバック。
- チャートカラーも忘れずに
- 春と秋、ボトムが岩の場所では、クランクがやっとボトムに届くくらいのものを使う。
- ボトムに当たったら素早く逸らす。
- 魚探に映る良い画像は、人の周りのバスが底から離れているとより良い。
- 基本はステディリトリーブ。飽きてきたらポーズを入れてみる。気配を感じたらバーニング!
- #2のフックのついた大きめクランク(エクスキャリバー・ファットフリーシャッドやストライクキング、ラパラDT14/DT16など)や、ウッド素材のサイレント&ワイドウォブリング系も試してみる。
- オープンウォーターではキャスト~1.最大深度に到達したとき、2.ボートに近づいてクランクが上を向いたとき、3.途中でストラクチャーにヒットした時に集中する。
- 陽がさんさんと降りそそぐ晴れの日にこそクランク
- 同じ場所に何回も投げ、速いスピードでリトリーブする。
- 一本釣れたら同じやり方でいけるはず。