春のバス狙い撃ち!? リリーパッドフィールドの攻略法!
The Breakdown
“There’s a few different types of pads, the ones that lay flat (Fragrant Waterlily) and the ones that stand up above the water’s surface (Spatterdock, “cow lily”),” he said. “The appeal of those flat pads is primarily shade — and shade is definitely a huge player, especially in the spring because it’s one of the only (natural habitats) with shade.
“Whether it’s hydrilla, milfoil, or some other type of grass, it’s not topped out and matted out yet. So, vegetation that has shade is really big.”
Of course, bass aren’t the only ones that appreciate shade, so when you pair that cooler, more comfortable environment with lots of plankton and aquatic insects, it’s a no-brainer to expect loads of bluegill and other sunfish hiding under the canopy.
Prespawn bass lurking amid the stems make short work of distracted panfish, so think of this as a mall food court—comfy, convenient, and perfectly suited for the seasonal spawning cycle.
“With the spatterdock, most of the time, those are growing on harder bottom,” he said. “Those pads tend to grow in tight clusters, so the root system is typically small and compact, so that’s a great place for a fish to spawn next to.
“Because these pads aren’t laying flat, there’s plenty of sunlight penetration. That’s better for spawning because the fish get sunlight on their bed and the eggs.”
The Transition: Bass that choose to spawn amid the pads don’t necessarily depart this habitat once their job is done. Sure, they’ll move off the beds at the appropriate time, but complete departure really isn’t the wisest move.
The same shade and feeding opportunities that served their prespawn needs work just as well for the postspawn.
“As soon as they spawn, they don’t go right out to deep water,” he said. “They want to hang around shallow—sometimes, for a few weeks—and eat bluegill and whatever else is up there.”
Pad Particulars
Like any aquatic habitat, not every pad field presents the same opportunity level. The bigger-is-better mentality might work for laydowns, docks, bridges, etc., but Garrett’s not necessarily on board with that notion for his pad selection.
“Here’s something a lot of people don’t understand about that type of vegetation: during the daytime, emergent vegetation gets its oxygen from the air,” he said. “But at nighttime, that vegetation gets its oxygen from the water.
“So, I don’t prefer to be around those big, massive pad fields during the spawn, because the oxygen levels can be too low for spawning fish. I like that isolated stuff. The smaller the clump, the better my chances of getting a bite (during the springtime).”
As he points out, while spawners need an oxygen-rich environment, the same applies to postspawners. For one thing, recovering females need that rejuvenating habitat, but fry guarders also want to keep their little ones tucked safely amid protecting cover with good, breathable water.
“Those fish need (good dissolved oxygen content) 24/7, so if you are around a big pad field, those fish will tend to live more toward the edge of that pad field,” he said.
Garrett’s pad picking criteria also includes leeward protection. Cold and warm fronts bring pad-whipping winds and bass don’t appreciate a bunch of stems smacking them in the face.
“A lot of times, I’ll look for south-facing banks or pockets, because those get more sunlight and they tend to warm up quicker,” he said. “If you can find pad fields on a south-facing bank that’s protected from the wind, that’s ideal.”
What to Throw
Once he locates the right scenario, he go-to is a Texas-rigged Strike King Ocho stick worm. With a 1/8-ounce weight, this bait easily slides in and out of cover without blowing unseen opportunities.
“When I’m flipping spatterdock, I take into consideration that there could be a bed fish just about anywhere, so something light and non-intrusive allows me to cover water without spooking those fish with something that’s too big,” Garret said. “For the outside edge for pre and postspawners, I like to imitate shad with a 3/8-ounce SK Tour Grade double willow spinnerbait.”
For surprising prespawners and postspawners cooling their heels under flat pads, flipping the bigger profile of a Strike King Rodent with a heavier weight often delivers the bites. Other productive options include a Strike King Sexy Frog and a Strike King Tour Grade Swim Jig with a Strike King Rage Craw or Menace.
Positioning tip: “I always like to keep the wind in my face, so I don’t get blown around,” Garrett said. “Don’t avoid big pad fields, but focus on that outside edge and look for isolated clumps.”
「リリーパッドには2種類あります。1つは水面に横に広がるタイプのFragrant Waterlily(フラグラントウォーターリリー)、もう1つは水面からstand up above(垂直に突き出している)タイプのSpatterdock(スパッターダック)で、俗に"cow lily(カウリリー)"と呼ばれています」とギャレットは説明します。
シェードの価値: 「もちろん、バス以外にも日陰は魅力的です。日陰という快適な環境と、プランクトンや水生昆虫が多いことを考えると、ブルーギルなどのサンフィッシュが大量にそのシェードの下に隠れているのは間違いありません。」
縦にのびるリリーパッド(スパッターダック)の利点: 「スパッターダックに関しては、多くの場合、ハードボトムに生えています。このタイプのパッドは密集して生えているので、根元は典型的に小さくてコンパクトになります。ですので、バスが産卵するのに最適なスポットなのです」
ポストスポーンバスの動き: 「リリーパッドでの産卵を選んだバスは、産卵を終えた後に必ずしもすぐにここから去るわけではありません。確かに彼らは適切なタイミングでベッドから離れますが、完全に去ってしまうわけではありません。」
そういった理想的な場所を見つけたら、メインで使うのはStrike King オチョです。1/8オンスのシンカーを付ければ、このルアーは簡単にカバーの中に出入りでき、見落としがちなチャンスを逃がしません。
「スパッターダックの間をフリッピングする際は、どこにでもベッドフィッシュがいる可能性を考え、大きすぎるものは避けて、軽くて控えめなものを使う必要があります。そうすれば魚を驚かせずに広範囲をカバーできます」とギャレットは言います。「産卵前後のバスが外周にいる場合は、3/8オンスのSKツアーグレード ダブルウィロースピナーベイトでシャッドを模して狙います」
横に広がるリリーパッドの下にいるバスに気付かせるには、Strike King ロデントのようなやや大きめの形状で重めのシンカーを使ったフリッピングがおすすめです。他の有効な選択肢としては、Strike King セクシーフロッグやStrike King ツアーグレードスイムジグにレイジクローなどがあります。
ポジショニング: 「風は必ず顔から受けるようにするのが好ましいです。そうすれば風で流されずに済みます」とギャレットは言います。「大きなリリーパッドエリアは避けるのではなくエッジに集中するか、小さなリリーパッドエリアに的を絞るのがコツです」