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本日も引き続き海外サイトより、”10 Lessons from Pros That Helped Our Fishing”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。

引用先:scout.com”10 Lessons from Pros That Helped Our Fishing”by Walker Smith – Apr 5, 2015(海外サイトです)











I spent a day or two with Ben Parker about 6 years ago and he showed me the basics of how he found schools of bass on Kentucky Lake with Side Imaging. To say I learned a lot would be an understatement.

Since that time I’ve spent literally thousands of hours idling and staring at my electronics. I’ve learned that tweaking your units to get the best picture at all times makes that time spent finding bass much more enjoyable and efficient. —Jason

私は約6年前にベン・パーカーと1-2日を過ごしました。彼はサイドイメージを使ってケンタッキーレイクのバスの群れを見つける方法の基礎を教えてくれました。 控えめに言って、私はたくさんのことを学びました。

その時以来、私は文字通り何千時間もアイドリングしながら、魚探を見つめていました。 私はその機器を常に調整して最高の画像を得ることが、楽しく効率的にバスを見つけるために費やすことができるということを学んだのです。


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I’ve always valued the thoughts and opinions of Mark Menendez. I think very highly of him and he’s one of the most knowledgeable and cerebral bass anglers I’ve ever known. In a conversation about crankbaits, he talked to me at length about the importance of hard color contrasts. So of course, I was all ears.

He spoke of how he’ll often sift through dozens of the same crankbait models until he finds one with a hard-line color contrast between the back and sides of the lure. You might buy 4 identical crankbaits off of the same rack at your local tackle store, but they all have slightly different color variations. Throughout the manufacturing process, some lures will get different amounts of colors than others.

I’ve started paying much more attention to this since our conversation and I’ll admit—it has made a noticeable difference in my catch rate, especially in stained and dirty water situations. The quick flash of that stark color contrast seems to be a major triggering mechanism for otherwise lethargic bass. –Walker





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Not all bass in a fishery do everything the same. They don’t spawn at the same time, they don’t move shallow at the same time and often it’s long before we “think” they should be doing certain things.

We’ve all heard big fish spawn early. I’m sure that’s true. And because of what I learned from Jaime Horton, I’ve found that they will start grouping up offshore earlier than many people think. Looking for them deep earlier than usual in the post-spawn period has led me to some really big catches. —Jason

そのフィールドのすべてのバスがすべて同じことをするわけではありません。 彼らは同時には産卵しませんし、彼らは同時にシャローへ移動しませんし、だいたい、我々が考えるよりもはるかに早く、彼らはそれをやっています。

私たちは皆、ビッグフィッシュから早く産卵すると聞いてきました。 私はそれが本当だと確信しています。 私がジェイミー・ホートンから学んだことのひとつに、彼らは多くの人々が考えるよりも早く沖でグループ分けを開始することを発見しました。 みんながそろそろポスト・スポーン期間に入るだろうと思うより早くにディープの魚を探していたので、本当に大きな魚をキャッチすることができました。


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I went through an incredibly frustrating stretch on my home lake this past winter. I share a lot of specific fishing information with a few very close friends around the lake, and they couldn’t quit talking about the incredible jig bite that was happening. These guys were talking about 40 and 50 fish days in the dead of winter. They didn’t have to twist my arm—I was all over it. I spent a bunch of afternoons searching desperately for this magical bite.

Guess what? I didn’t get a single bite on my 3/8-ounce jig. Not one. Zero.

A few days later, I had one of those rare lightbulb moments as I flashed back to an interview I conducted with Larry Nixon. He believes that an angler’s particular bait choice or color doesn’t always matter as much as we think. Instead, he puts more emphasis on his bait’s fall rate. Fish can get really picky, especially in the winter, and the difference between a 1/4-ounce jig and a 3/8-ounce jig can be huge.

I went out a few days later and wrecked ‘em on a small 1/4-ounce flipping jig and, sure enough, that’s what my buddies had been using. So before I write off a good flipping bite, now I always make sure to change my weight size and give it a fair shot. —Walker

私はこの冬、ホームレイクのストレッチで信じられないほどイライラしたことがありました。私は湖の周りの何人かの非常に親しい友人と多くの釣り情報を共有しますが、その時に起こっていた信じられないほどのジグのバイトについて開いた口がふさがりませんでした。この人たちは、真冬にもかかわらず約40から50の魚を釣ったと話していました。私は納得がいきませんでした。 もう台無しです。私は午後から目一杯その奇跡のバイトを探しました。





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I might not be able to drop shot to save my life and I sure as heck can’t fish a vertical jigging spoon in 40 feet of water. But I can put a jig where it needs to go.

Or so I thought.

Dave Lefebre shared a little secret with me in regards to fishing laydowns. Instead of aiming for the water right next to the limbs or trunk, lightly land your jig on top of the actual laydown and slide it into the water. I’ll admit that it was tough to break an old habit, but man, I’m telling you—it works.

Now I don’t always do this because I still believe that the sound of a jig skipping on the surface can draw the attention of nearby bass, but when it’s super tough and I’m fishing post-frontal conditions, Lefebre’s technique has absolutely helped me put more fish in the boat.

I’ve also been using this technique a lot when I’m frog fishing. I’ll cast the frog on top of a seawall or onto dry land and slowly pull it into the water. This does two things—it virtually eliminates any splash and also makes it seem as if a frog is jumping into the water from dry land. —Walker


















