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本日は海外サイトより、”7 Tips to Fish More Effectively Anywhere”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:scout.com”7 Tips to Fish More Effectively Anywhere”Jason Sealock – Feb 1, 2015(海外サイトです)
There’s an old adage in duck hunting that you can be the best caller in the world, have the best decoy spread imaginable and be completely concealed and none of it will matter if you’re not setup where the ducks want to light. Same adage applies to fishing. The belief that 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water is probably inaccurate. I’d say 99% of the fish are in 1% of the water.
I often find, even in the smallest bodies of water the fish congregate in one area sometimes smaller than kiddie swimming pool. And you have to keep casting that one small spot to catch them when you haven’t had a bite anywhere else walking the banks.
The bigger thing is you need to move. Chances are, where you start fishing from the bank may not be where the fish are. So you’ve got to keep moving to new water until one fish gives you a clue as to what you should do.
I think what trips most anglers up is knowing if they should change presentations or move to new areas. Both is often a recipe for success. I will often work down a lake from the shore with one lure, then retie and come back down it with a different presentation. So I might throw a small spinnerbait or grub swimming it constantly. Then when I come back down the bank, I might drag a worm or a jig on the bottom. It helps an angler figure out the mood while continuing to cover water just like in a boat.
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I think when we fish smaller bodies of water we automatically assume those fish will bite the lure regardless of how we fish it. I think many people assume that small bodies of water mean less pressured fish when in truth it’s usually the opposite. In a small body of water, there aren’t as many fish, so the ones that get caught are probably well educated after a few seasons.
On a recent outing this winter, I fished a small, muddy pond with little to no cover. I fished for a while with several lures all around the pond without a single bite. I finally reached for a small grub and even just straight reeling it wasn’t producing. I started letting it sink to the bottom then fishing it with a slow 3-4 handle-turn retrieve and then pause to let it fall back to the bottom.
The fish that had been uncooperative started biting. For the next 12 casts my son and I caught bass after bass with that stop and go retrieve. That day the fish didn’t want to chase or they were feeding on stunned baits in that really cold water. So reeling it slowly and letting it fall produced every bite. And all the bass were congregated in one small area on a small pond. We caught 14 bass from a spot the size of a dinner table out of a pond more than an acre.
これにはいままで反応しなかった魚もバイトし始めました。そこから私と息子でそのストップアンドゴー作戦で合わせて12回連続で毎キャストでバスを捕まえました。その日のバスはルアーを追いかけたくなかったでしょうし、本当に冷たい水の中で気絶したベイトフィッシュを食べていたのでしょう。だからゆっくりと巻いて、フォール後に倒れるようなアクションにバイトしたのでしょう。そして、釣ったすべてのバスは、小さな池の小さなエリアに集まっていました。 70メートル四方程度の池の中のディナーテーブルの大きさの場所から14匹のバスを捕まえました。
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The clearer the water, the more you want to match the hatch. You want subtle greens and browns for craw baits and subtle neutral shad patterns for minnow imitators. But size and profile can change also. Sometimes a big fat wide aggressive moving bait is not as conducive to smaller, clearer waters.
I fish a lot of jigs, swim jigs, swimbaits, grubs, and small plastics like the Biffle Bug and Hard Head combo as well as small spinnerbaits in ponds and small lakes. They look very natural and match the forage you find in those bodies of water.
水がクリアになればなるほど、マッチザベイトを意識するべきです。ザリガニ系にしても、ベイトフィッシュ系にしても、絶妙な色の緑や茶色のより自然な色にするべきです。 しかし、サイズやシルエットも変わる可能性があります。 クリアになるほど、大きく、太く、ワイドに動きすぎるムービングベイトは、小さなものほど役立つものではありません。
私が小さな湖や池で釣りをするなら、ジグ、スイムジグ、グラブ、ビッフルバグとハードヘッドの組み合わせ、またコンパクトスピナーベイトで釣ります。 それらは非常にナチュラルであるし、その水域で見つけるベイトと一致します。
The one thing about fishing on smaller bodies of water that I’ve found to be true: weather has much more dramatic impacts on the fish. But that’s not necessarily a negative thing. I’ll explain that a bit later. But just know that sunshine will warm a small body of water up a lot faster than a large body of water. That can put fish shallower and make them more active than you think.
It also means if it’s cold they may be a lot more inactive than on bigger bodies of water because there often isn’t a good way to get out of the elements for the fish. They are stuck in 4 feet of water on below freezing days because that’s how deep it is everywhere in a certain small pond. Their alternative is to just not feed.
より小さなフィールドでの釣りについてひとつ言えることは、天候が魚に劇的な影響を与えるということです。 しかし、それは必ずしも否定的なものではありません。 これについてはまた後で説明します。 しかし、太陽の光は大きなフィールドよりも小さなフィールドの方が速く温めることはご存知の通りです。 それは魚をシャローへ向かわせ、あなたが思うよりも活発にさせてくれます。
また寒い時期は、魚が動き出す要素として良い材料ではない日が多いため、大きなフィールドよりもずっと不活発である可能性があります。 小さな池は凍ってしまった日には深いところでじっとしています。 そしてエサを食べる気にもなりません。
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I will often reach for 3-inch plastics, 2-inch crankbaits and small 1/8-ounce or 1/4-ounce spinnerbaits and jigs when I fish ponds, small lakes or rivers. I will throw big baits when I think the body of water holds big fish or there is big forage. But often a small bait will catch big bass on these smaller waters because that’s what those big fish are used to eating. It’s more about the presentation and the action than having to use your standard big bass tackle.
I had a phenomenal day with a 1/4-ounce swim jig and a grub for a trailer on a small lake last year. Winding it through scattered grass got the bass waking across the pond to eat it.
私は池や小さな湖や川を釣るときに、3インチのワーム、2インチのクランクベイト、1/8オンスや1/4オンスのスピナーベイトやジグを使うことがよくあります。 そこに大きなバスがいるとわかっているとき、または大きな餌がいると思うときは大きなルアーを投げるでしょう。 しかし、だいたいこれらの小さなフィールドでは大きな魚も小さなエサを食べているので、小さなルアーが大きなバスを捕まえることになります。 これは標準的なビッグバス用のタックルを使用することに限らず、プレゼンテーションとアクションについても言えることです。
私は昨年、小さな湖で1/4オンスのスイミングジグにグラブをトレーラーとしたもので素晴らしい日を過ごしました。 広く生えるウィードを通すように巻いていたら、バスが池を横切るように飛び出してそれを食べたのです。
Often when I fish from the bank, I like to use lures I know will work for multiple species of fish. Even if I’m interested in catching one sort of fish say bass or crappie, I find that using lures that attract other fish gives you a good indication of what is going on in a fishery. And sometimes it follows the smaller and natural presentations that are very effective when fishing from the bank.
Lures like small spinnerbaits, grubs, small swimbaits, tubes and other small lures can catch a variety of fish from the bank. Plus it can make an otherwise dead trip a blast.
多くの場合、バンクから魚を釣るとき、私は複数の魚種に効くことがわかっているルアーを使用するのが好きです。 たとえ釣りたい魚がひとつ、例えばバスやクラッピーだったとしても、他の魚も引き付けることができるルアーを使用すると、そのフィールドで何が起こっているのかがわかります。 そしてだいたい、バンクから釣るときに非常に効果的である小さくてナチュラルなプレゼンテーションにならいます。
小さなスピナーベイト、グラブ、小さなスイムベイト、チューブなどの小さなルアーは、バンクからさまざまな魚を捕まえることができます。 そのルアーひとつにつき1回、違った形でのバイトを得ることができるでしょう。
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A lot of fish get the shallowest they can in small bodies of water, even in the winter. Some of my biggest and best catches I have seen the water move before I felt the bite because the fish were so shallow they bulged the water when they moved.
This was reinforced for me on a recent trip to a new lake. I was fishing from the bank over Christmas break. I had tied on a Gene Larew Hard Head and a Strike King Lures Menace grub. I started fishing the shallow end of the lake. My third cast in, I’m winding the bait through some shallow dead vegetation and I see a wake coming and then my line starts peeling out of there. I set the hook and nabbed a 7-pound bass. One of the crazier catches I’ve had in my life.
The water temperatures were in the 40s, but that day it had gotten all the way up to 60 degrees and was flat calm with sunshine all day. I believe that shallower water quickly became several degrees warmer than the rest of the lake and the bass slid up there to absorb some warmth. It’s crazy to think you can catch a bass in inches of water in December but you’d be surprised how often that happens on small waters.
The other observation I had there was the fish was so shallow, I couldn’t have reached him from a boat. The boat wouldn’t have made it through the shallows to get to where that fish was. Being on foot was a tremendous advantage on that trip. I had so much stealth and could get in perfect position to dissect a shallow grass bed.