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本日は海外サイトより、”Fall Bass Fishing Tips: How To Catch More Bass In The Fall”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。

引用先:usangler.com”Fall Bass Fishing Tips: How To Catch More Bass In The Fall”Written by: Pete D| March 15th, 2022







この記事は、アメリカのバス釣り情報サイト「US ANGLER」のブログ記事で、ライターのピート・D氏が、秋のバス釣りについて解説してくれています。



Fall Bass Behavior Bass are plenty active in summer, at least until water temperatures start to creep into the mid- to high-80s. At that point, largemouth will start to turn off. Heat-induced stress will send them into deeper water or shade, and they’ll stop looking for a meal and just sit still. Basically, the bass are doing what we do when the heat’s really on–looking for shade and a way to cool down. And just as you lose interest in cutting the grass or taking a long hike in the heat, the bass aren’t really motivated to move. But as the leaves begin to turn and water temperatures drop back into the 70s, the bass turn back on. This is a combination of two factors. First, the water is cool enough to energize the bass, but still warm enough to support them. And second, the bass know instinctively that it’s time to fatten up for winter. Season-savvy anglers know that bass are looking for a place to find food. As Ken Cook, a former fisheries biologist turned professional bass angler, explains, “In the spring and fall, the ‘grocery store’ is usually close to the shoreline and around cover like aquatic grass, rocks and docks. Small fish, crawfish, frogs and other creatures are most abundant and most active in shallow water, so that’s where the bass will be.” This is important to understand: all the fish in your lake felt this summer stress, including bait fish like sucker minnows, shad, perch, and bluegill. Everything is making a move to the shallows–away from the deeper holding positions that protected them from the worst of the summer heat. And the largemouth will be following the food. “As the water starts to cool again in the fall, forage fish such as shad move shallow, so the bass follow. In many cases, shad move toward the backs of long coves and bays, so the bass are in those same places," Cook says. Legendary bass pro Kevin VanDam agrees. “Bass react to cooling water by moving shallower to big flats, long points with a gradual taper, and tributary arms.” And the key is to find large schools of prey, because wherever you find a meal, you’re going to find bass in the fall. “Bass are more baitfish-oriented now than in any other season,” VanDam thinks. “Look for large schools of shad, alewives, etc., [sic] on your graph. In reservoirs, cooling water causes vast numbers of shad to migrate into tributary arms, and bass are close behind. Follow this migration by fishing the first third of creek arms in early fall, then gradually pressing farther back into the tributary as the surface temperature drops.”










伝説のバスプロ、ケビン・バンダムも同意見です。 「バスは水温が下がると、広いフラットエリアのシャロー、遠浅の岬、クリークアームに移動します。」そして重要なのは、ベイトフィッシュの大きな群れを見つけることです。なぜなら、秋は食べものがあるところにバスもいるからです。

「この時期のバスは、他のどの季節よりもベイトフィッシュ指向です」とバンダムは考えています。 「魚探を使ってベイトフィッシュの大きな群れを探してください。リザーバーでは、水温が下がると膨大な数のベイトフィッシュがクリークアームに移動し、バスもそれを追っています。この移動に沿って、初秋はクリーク アームの下流の3分の1を釣り、その後、水温が下がるにつれて徐々に上流へ向かって釣ります。」


Baitfish are likely to be suspended in a few feet of water, holding in shallower water than they were in high summer. But they won’t be hugging the bottom, and neither will the bass that are looking to feed on them. In the fall, think the top 4 to 5 feet of water, and not deeper. Especially in large shallow flats, you’ll find bass in just a foot or two of water, looking for frogs, crawfish, minnows, and pretty much anything else they can eat. At night time, everything a largemouth bass eats is moving near shore when the stars come out, so it’s a safe bet that you’ll find hungry bass there, too. Check out our guide on Bass Fishing at Night to learn more about landing big bass at night.

ベイトフィッシュは水深数メートルに浮いている可能性が高く、真夏よりも浅いエリアにいます。 しかし彼らはボトムにいることはなく、それを食べようとしているバスもボトムにいません。

秋は水深1.2m~1.5mで、それより深くないと考えてください。 特に広大なシャローフラットでは、バスは水深0.3m~0.6mにおり、カエル、ザリガニ、小魚など、食べられるものならなんでも探しています。



Fall isn’t the time to ignore the color, size, or pattern of likely meals. In fact, it’s critical that you carefully match the size and color of the prey items attracting attention from bass. Plenty of pros switch to willow-leafed spinners, crankbaits, jerkbaits, and rattletraps in realistic colors. And even in murky water, silver/chrome is a great choice, as it shimmers and shines like schooling prey. “Match the meal” and you’ll get more bites.

秋は、バスが食べているものの色、大きさ、模様を無視してはいけません。 バスが集中している獲物のサイズと色を慎重に合わせることが重要です。

多くのプロがウィローリーフスピナーベイト、クランクベイト、ジャークベイト、リアルカラーのラトルトラップを使っています。 濁った水の中でも群れをつくっているベイトフィッシュのようにきらめくシルバー/クロームカラーは素晴らしい選択です。



Bass won’t be as dispersed in fall as they were in summer, and you’ll need to find where they’re schooling in search of a meal. Once you do, you can catch a bunch, but until you find structure or cover that’s holding them, you need to keep your trolling motor running. It’s also a good idea to start the day with a crankbait that covers a lot of water. It’s essential that you quickly distinguish where you should really spend your time.

バスは夏よりも群れを作っている季節なので、餌を食べるために群れているバスがいる場所を見つける必要があります。 一度見つけてしまえば、そこで釣ることができますが、その群れのバスがいる地形変化やカバーが見つかるまで、エレキで探し続ける必要があります。

朝一番は広いエリアを素早くサーチできるクランクベイトから始めるのも良い考えです。 本当に時間を費やすべき場所をすばやく見分けることが不可欠だからです。


Bass are moving shallow in search of a meal, and where are they going to find one? That’s right; live weed beds. This cover provides a place to hide, plenty of oxygen, and the tiny food prey items need. And whatever attracts prey in the fall attracts bass.


正解はウィードの生息地です。 ウィードというカバーは、ベイトフィッシュが隠れる場所、充分な酸素、ベイトフィッシュが食べる餌まであります。 そして秋はベイトフィッシュを引き寄せるものにバスが引き寄せられます。



If there’s a dominant lure when the water cools, it’s the lipless crankbait, especially with a rattle. When fished near or above weedbeds, it’s murder if you know how to use it. The trick is to retrieve it, and then lay off, letting it drift for a few seconds before starting it up again. That on-off action makes the most of the vibration and noise a rattler provides, and it’s been field-tested by legions of anglers. One of my favorites for fall bass is the Rattlin’ Rapala in “Shad” or “Bluegill.” Both colors are exceptional for clear water, and the rattle just drives bass wild. Another awesome choice is the Strike King Red Eye Shad. It wobbles and wiggles from side to side, creating irresistible vibration. And with a bright yellow lateral line and red eye, I find this little guy can get it done when the water’s not crystal clear, too.


ウィードベッドの上や周りで釣りをするときには、使い方を知っていたいものです。 ひとつのコツは、リトリーブを急に止めて、数秒間流してから再び巻き始めることです。 そのオンオフの動作によりラトルによる振動とノイズが最大限に活用されるため、多くのアングラーが使っています。

秋のバス釣りで私のお気に入りのルアーの1つは、ラトリンラパラのシャッドカラーまたはブルーギルカラーです。 どちらの色もクリアウォーターで特によく、ラトル音はバスを刺激します。

もう1つはストライクキング・レッドアイシャッド(セクシーシャッドカラー)です。 左右へのウォブリングとウィグリングによる素晴らしいバイブレーションが発生します。 そして、サイドの明るい黄色のラインと赤い目のおかげで、小さなルアーでも、クリアウォーターでなくてもよく釣れます。


As the water cools, you’ll find bass shallow, making them ideal targets for topwater props. I keep one or two handy all season, so if I see bass chasing prey to the surface, I’ll be ready to toss a prop into the fray! One of my favorites is the Rapala Skitter Prop in “Lime Frog.” One look will tell you why: But no topwater has worked as well for me as the Heddon Torpedo. I like “Black Shiner” and “Clear,” and I can tell you tales about the explosive hits I’ve gotten with these lures when bass were schooling on bait! Whether you “walk the dog,” pop and crank, or just steady retrieve, I’ve found that bass are going to hit these once they’re excited by a frenzy of baitfish on the surface. But in more ordinary situations, I look to create maximum vibration and action. For me, that means some aggressive popping with a pause, as well as some dog walking. Give these topwater champions a try as the water cools–you won’t be disappointed!
ラパラ スキッター プロップ「ライムフロッグカラー」

水温が下がるとバスはシャローに上がるため、トップウォータープロップの理想的なターゲットになります。 シーズンを通して1つか2つは持っておいて、バスが獲物を水面まで追いかけているのを見たら、プロップルアーを投げてみましょう。

私のお気に入りの 1 つは、「ライムフロッグカラー」のラパラ・スキッタープロップです。 理由は、見ての通り釣れそうだからです。


しかし、ヘドン・トーピードほど有効なトップウォーターはありません。 私は「ブラックシャイナーカラー」や「クリアカラー」が好きで、バスがベイトフィッシュの群れを追っている時にこのルアーでめちゃめちゃ釣った時を忘れられません!


しかし通常時は、このルアーで最大の波動やアクションを出すようにします。 私の場合はドッグウォークとジャーク&ポーズがそれです。



Often overlooked, fall is the perfect time to throw the ideal combination of spinner, jig, and soft-plastic swimbait. We’ve written about the awesome potential of chatterbaits before, and if you need to catch up on this incredible lure, take a look. For fall, I’d be thinking shad and craw, and there are two options I’d never pass over. ⅜ Ounce Z-Man Original ChatterBait with a Lake Fork Trophy Lures Live Magic Shad trailer. Once you learn how to work a chatterbait, the Z-Man Original–when paired with the impressive Lake Fork Trophy Lures Live Magic Shad–is an almost unbeatable combination in fall. Offering enticing action, incredible vibration, flash, and a strike-inducing skirt, this is simply one of the most effective combinations out there. And whether you retrieve this awesome duo with a steady, slow cadence or work the bottom in short hops, all that fluttering action and vibration is a recipe for a hard hit. I particularly like the “Greenback Shad”/ “Magic Shad” color combination, pictured above. But another option to consider is the ⅜ Ounce Z-Man Original ChatterBait and a Zoom Z-Craw trailer. Perhaps my favorite pairing available, the Z-Man in “Perch” and the 4 ½ inch Z-Craw in “California 420,” is a recipe for massive hits. Whether you buzz these over weed tops, plop them into the thick stuff and work them out, or run them down the outside edge of the grass, bass can’t leave them alone.








上の写真の「グリーンバック シャッドカラー」と「マジックシャッド」のカラーの組み合わせが特に気に入っています。

もう1つは、Z-ManオリジナルチャターベイトとZoom(ZBC) Zクロートレーラーです。




When the bass are running shallow, hunting weeds and the shoreline for food, it’s the ideal time to throw a hollow-bodied frog. The most legendary of these is the Lunkerhunt, a hyper-realistic frog sporting a close-fitting dual hook. Those dangling legs, while more fragile than the tasseled alternatives, move just like the real thing. I love this frog, and you will too! But the trick is in how it’s fished. Unlike most lures in your tackle box, this bad boy is designed for the mean stuff. Chunk it right in–and don’t worry! By design, it’s essentially weedless. Then pause. Let it sit for a second or two. You may well trigger a strike right then. If not, slowly hop it through the water, mimicking the action of the real thing.


中でもレジェンド的なのがランカーハント・ランカーフロッグです。これはぴったりとフィットするツインフックを備えた超リアルなフロッグです。 ぶらぶらしている脚はやや壊れやすいのですが、本物のように動きます。



タックルボックスの中にある多くのルアーとは異なり、このルアーは中空であり、すぐに潰れてしまいます。しかし心配しないでください! 引っ掛からないように設計されています。




Don’t let shorter days and cooler water scare you off the bass. With the know-how to succeed and the lures to attract bites, you can turn fall into prime bass season. We hope this article has helped you get a handle on fall bass fishing, and we’d love to hear from you.

日が短くなり、水温が低くなってきても、バス釣りをやめてはいけません。 ちゃんと釣るためのノウハウとバイトを誘うルアーがあれば、秋は最高の季節になることでしょう。


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