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本日は海外サイトより、”Why and How to Fish Fast for Fall Bass”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:scout.com”Why and How to Fish Fast for Fall Bass”by Luke Stoner – Sep 14, 2015(海外サイトです)
Anywhere they go in the country, Matt and Jordan Lee look to break the lake or river down into manageable sections. Matt Lee looks wind first in the early fall.
“You can make catching bass a whole lot easier on yourself, if you chase the wind,” Matt said. “The wind is going to churn up the water some and get the baitfish more active in that area, which in turn is going to bring in the bass. Especially in fall, because bass are moving around so much anyway.”
By listening to this logic, finding an area to start your efforts in the fall can be as easy as licking your finger and throwing it in the air, whichever way the wind is blowing is where you should be headed. More than wind, another easy to notice, yet important and overlooked factor that can put more bass in your boat is finding stained water.
“In the fall I am always going to start with the most colored water I can find,” Jordan added. “From my experience, stained water will make those roaming bass relate to targets better. That way you can cast to individual docks, rocks, or laydowns and you have a better chance of a bass being around it.”
Making a decision like following the wind or finding dirty water may not seem like huge deal, but these can be details to “make or break” a day of fishing so to speak. Bass are moving a lot during the fall, you simply aren’t going to find them everywhere throughout a lake or river.
Paying attention to the little details can greatly tip the odds in your favor for catching a lot of bass versus scratching your head and wondering where you went wrong.
「風を追いかけると、より簡単にバスをキャッチすることができます。 風が水を少し掻きまわして、そのエリアのベイトフィッシュをより活発にして、バスを引き寄せることになるだろう。とにかく、秋のバスは動き回っているからです。」
「秋になると、私はいつも見つけられる最も色の濁った水から始めるつもりだ」とジョーダンは付け加えた。 「私の経験では、濁った水は、回遊するバスのより良い目標になってくるようです。そのなかで、桟橋、岩、レイダウンなどの個々の目標にキャストすれば、その周囲でバスが出る可能性が高くなります。」
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“Follow the baitfish” is mentioned almost every time fall fishing is discussed, mostly because it is tried and true. Some nomadic fall bass will undoubtedly be following schools of baitfish around, whether it is shad, herring, or some other tasty morsel.
While the Lee brothers know following the baitfish works, they admit it is not always necessarily the cure-all to fall fishing, especially early fall.
“All lakes are going to fish differently; it’s not like you can just graph for a school of baitfish, and boom, you’ve found the bass,” Matt said. “I’ve seen times where you can be around swarms of baitfish and still can’t catch a bass. I tend to cover water on a fishery until I get a few bites in the same general area. The fish may not be ganged up directly with baitfish, but they’ll be here and there in a certain section.
“Don’t get me wrong, you want to be around bait if you can help it. But focus on isolated cover on a flat, or something like a lone stretch of docks, and you’ll catch more bass in early fall.”
When schools of baitfish get shallow in the backs of creeks during mid to late fall it is often extremely easy to catch bass feeding on them because they have the bait trapped. In late August and early September, however, not all those baitfish are going to rush to shallow water. Jordan echoed much of what his brother said.
“I’m going to run and gun fishing things like rip-rap, grass lines, or laydowns to find them in the early transitional period,” Jordan agreed. “Those fish tend to favor one type of cover to the others that time of year and you can figure them out better with each bite. Every bite is a clue.”
Coupling wind, stained water, and covering these favorable types of cover for early fall bass gives the Lee brothers the confidence to put their head down and fish without second guessing what they’re doing.
「すべての湖で釣り方は変わってきます。ベイトフィッシュの群れを魚探で見つけることができず、バスを探すのに失敗することもあります。 ベイトフィッシュの群れの周りにいたとしても、バスを捕らえることができないこともありました。私は同じフィールド内では2,3のバイトを得るまで、多くのエリアをカバーする傾向があります。そういう魚は、ベイトフィッシュと直接関係がないかもしれませんが、特定のエリアにおいてはそこかしこにいるのです。」
「私は初秋の季節の変わり目の頃には、リップラップ、ウィードライン、レイダウンのようなところをランガンして釣るつもりです。 こういうところの魚は、この時期に他のものより特定のカバーを好む傾向があり、バイトがあることでより絞ることができます。すべてのバイトが手がかりです。」
Photo by scout.com
Every bit important as the area(s) and the cover types the Lee brothers focus on is the gear they use to attack theses structures.
“Instead of pitching a jig or soaking a worm like a lot of other anglers, I’m gonna pick up a moving bait and throw the trolling motor on high,” Jordan said. “You make yourself so much more efficient at covering water and will put the bait in front of more fish throughout the day.”
「多くの他の釣り人のようにジグを投げたり、ワームを使うのではなく、私はムービングベイト(巻き物ルアー)を手に取って、エレキのパワーも上げるんです」とジョーダンは語った。 「これにより広いエリアをカバーすることがはるかに効率的になり、一日を通して多くの魚の前にルアーを送り込むことができるでしょう。」
No matter where you go in the country, a squarebill crankbait will catch fish, especially when the leaves begin to change and fall begins.
“A Strike King 1.5 or 2.5 is probably the most versatile lure I have in my tackle box, you can throw that thing anywhere,” Jordan said. “Rip-rap, laydowns, grass, docks, open water; I mean those things just flat out catch fish, especially in the fall when bass like to key in on small baitfish. The name of the game with a squarebill is deflection; the more stuff you’re banging your bait off of, the more you’ll get bit.
“Use the angle of your rod and the size of your line to control how deep your plug is running. The heavier the line, the shallower it is going to run. Likewise, the higher you keep your rod on the retrieve, the shallower you can keep your bait. By toying around with these details you can literally put a squarebill in any cover you want. By throwing a plug where others would pitch a jig, you’re going to get more reaction strikes and catch more bass.”
Jordan throws his 1.5s or 2.5s Strike King crankbaits on a 7 foot, or less, Medium Quantum Tour KVD Cranking Rod coupled with a 6:1:1 Quantum Smoke. He likes a the shorter rod for close quarter, target fishing with a crankbait; and notes the Smoke throws baits even as small as a 1.0 sqaurebill effortlessly, even in the wind.
Jordan and Matt both believe the color of your crankbait is extremely important, even more so than most lures. For whatever reason, they have seen the right color of crankbait change an afternoon with five bites to 25 bites, with a slight change.
Jordan’s favorites change depending on the clarity of the water and whether there are clouds present or not. Leaning towards either chartreuse black back or sexy shad if there is stained to dirty water, which is what Jordan prefers to fish. Or switching to something like green gizzard or clear water minnow if the water if clear and the sun is shining.
「ストライク・キング1.5または2.5は、おそらく私がタックルボックスに入れた最も多目的なルアーであり、どこにでも投げることができます」とジョーダンは語った。 「リップラップ、レイダウン、ウィード、桟橋、オープンウォーター・・・特に小さなベイトフィッシュを食べている秋には、こういうところで全力を尽くします。スクエアビルの真骨頂はまさにこれです。バスの食欲が強い時ほどこの激しい波動のルアーで、より多くのバイトを得ることができます。」
Both of the young Alabama anglers agreed that a Strike King Red Eye Shad is simply hard to beat during the fall of the year. This is their go to bait if they are fishing large flats or keying in on any type of vegetation.
“The castability of a Red Eye Shad is just incredible, and allows an angler to cover so much water,” Matt said. “It depends on the depth I am fishing and the vegetation but I am usually going to stick with a 1/2-ounce model. I throw that on 7-foot, 4-inch medium-heavy Quantum Tour KVD Cranking Rod paired with a Quantum Smoke in 8:1:1. Using a longer rod allows me to make bomb casts but still have enough tip to get the hooks into the fish, and that high speed reel helps me cover more water.”
Matt tends to keep his color selection simple, sticking to bold or opaque colors if there is cloud cover, and switching to chrome sexy shad or something with some flash if the sun is present. Again noting that following the wind with your lipless crankbaits will lead to more bites and more bass.
「レッドアイシャッドの飛距離は信じられないほどのもので、釣り人は非常に多くの水をカバーすることができます。 釣りたいレンジやウィードによって決まりますが、通常は1/2オンスモデルを採用します。私はそれを7フィート4インチのクァンタム・ツアーKVDクランキンロッドミディアムヘビーと8.1:1のクァンタム・スモークリールの組み合わせで投げます。より長いロッドを使用することでスーパーロングキャストを行うことができ、フッキングのための十分なティップも持っています。そして、その高速リールは私がより多くの水をカバーするのを助けます。」
Photo by scout.com
Fall bass around the country become notoriously keen to a topwater lure. Topwaters can, and do, catch fish throughout the year but for whatever reason bass in the fall are likely to attack something surfing across the top.
Jordan and Matt absolutely love slinging topwaters, as they result in some of their biggest bass throughout the year. They take slightly different approaches, but the end result is the same; covering water and catching bass.
“I’m pretty much always going to have a buzzbait tied on in the fall, and I catch a bunch of giants on it,” Jordan grinned. “One mistake I think a lot of people make is they try to throw it on mono or fluorocarbon line. I throw mine on 30-pound braid, a 7-foot, 2-inch medium-heavy Quantum Tour KVD Casting rod, and an 8:1:1 Smoke, and I simply don’t lose many fish. I’ll just run down the bank and throw it at anything and everything that looks good, making long casts, and covering as much water as possible.”
Matt agreed you can’t go wrong with a buzzbait, but he favors a walking topwater in the fall, specifically the Strike King Sexy Dawg Jr.
“I like being able to speed up and slow down my bait when working a topwater depending on the mood of the fish,” Matt said. “You can still make long casts and cover an extreme amount of water, you just can slow it down a bit. I agree with Jordan in throwing it on braid; it floats and you can cast it a mile, it’s a win-win.”
「秋にはバズベイトを結んでおきますし、それで巨大バスを釣っています」とジョーダンは笑った。 「私が思うに、多くの人々がナイロンやフロロカーボンで投げようとしている間違いがあると思います。私は30ポンドのPEライン、7フィート2インチのミディアムのクアンタム・ツアーKVDベイトロッド、8.1:1のクァンタム・スモークで投げていて、魚をバラすこともありません。私はいい感じのバンクをロングキャストで釣り下りながら、できるだけ多くのカバーへ向かって投げていきます。」
「私は魚の様子を見ながら、トップウォーターをルアーをスピードアップしたりスローダウンさせるのが好きです。 これもまたロングキャストをすることができ、広いエリアをカバーすることができます、さらに(バズベイトに比べて)それを少し遅くすることができます。私はジョーダンと同じようにPEラインを使うことに賛成します。それは水に浮き、ロングキャストすることができます、それは勝利に繋がります。」
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