本日は海外サイトより、”Lucky Seven Overlooked Spring Bass Hotspots”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。
引用先:finsntales.com”Lucky Seven Overlooked Spring Bass Hotspots”Story by Don Wirth(海外サイトです)
Description: Later on this spring, crappie will gang up on submerged brushpiles and stake beds to spawn. But right now, while the water is still chilly, these future crappie attractors can be loaded with bass, and chances are, nobody’s fishing them.
Importance to spring bass: Prespawn bass often stage around crappie cover in the 8 to 12 foot zone, using the cover to ambush baitfsh.
Best approach: Locate these fish attractors visually or with your graph, then run a crankbait or spinnerbait around them, making sure the lure bumps the cover. If the water is muddy, flip a jig into the attractor.
Inside tip: Large brushpiles intended as crappie attractors are often broken up and scattered over a wide area by panfishermen who hang up anchors in the cover. The biggest bass in the area may hold on the outer perimeter of this scattered cover, so when approaching a brushpile, start at least two cast-lengths away from the structure by fan-casting a spinnerbait, then move gradually toward the main concentration of brush.
Description: A sharply vertical man-made structure designed to shore up an earthen bank and protect it from erosion due to wave action. Often associated with shoreline residential developments, retaining walls may be made of cement blocks, wood pilings or poured concrete.
Importance to spring bass: Bass moving from deep to shallow water in early spring often stage in open water adjacent to retaining walls in water temperatures ranging from around 48 to 58 degrees. These fish can be found suspending in the water column when inactive, or cruising the structure feeding on shad that are eating algae growing on the wall.
Best approach: Go for active bass first by casting a deep-diving crankbait parallel to the wall. If this doesn’t produce a strike, move your boat away from the wall and cast a suspending jerkbait directly to the structure. Work the lure very slowly in the coldest part of the temperature range indicated above, a little faster in the upper portion of this range.
Inside tip: In clear lakes, bass action on retaining walls is usually best when a stiff breeze is causing waves to crash against the structure.
Description: A tree that has toppled from the bank into the lake; the top portion is laying in water at least 8 feet deep and the trunk is resting on the bank.
Importance to spring bass: This structure acts as a bridge from deep to shallow water. Bass swimming along a deep ledge or creek channel will encounter the top of the tree, then follow it up into water shallow enough for spawning. Also serves as a bridge from the shoreline to the water for insects, mice and other small creatures upon which bass feed.
Best approach: Slow-roll a spinnerbait lengthways down the tree, making sure the lure contacts the structure. Or, swim a jig ‘n pig through the branches.
Inside tip: Make repeated presentations to the tree, taking care to have lure contact where major branches jut off from the trunk – this is where bass are most likely to be holding.
概要:岸から湖に落ちた木。 先端が少なくとも水深2.4メートル以上のところにあり、幹は岸に残っている状態。
春バスへの重要性:このストラクチャーはディープからシャローへの橋渡しをします。 ディープの岩棚またはクリークチャンネルに沿って泳いでいるバスは、木の先端に遭遇し、その後産卵するのに十分なシャローに辿り着きます。 また、昆虫、小型のネズミ、その他の小型の生き物を捕食するための、岸から水までの橋渡しをしています。
ベストアプローチ:スピナー・ベイトを木の下へ縦方向にスロー・ロールさせ、ルアーが必ずストラクチャーに接触するようにします。 または、ジグ&ポークを枝を通すように泳がせてください。
Description: A flooded road leading into a reservoir. The roadbed surface may be made of asphalt, gravel or earth; asphalt roads were often broken up prior to being flooded. The roadbed may be elevated off the bottom and lined with stumps or chunk rock.
Importance to spring bass: Another “highway” which bass follow from deep to shallow water as the water warms. Bass may spawn on some submerged roadbeds.
Best approach: Run a deep-diving crankbait parallel to the structure. Hit the top of the road first, then root the lure through rock rubble or stumps on either side.
Inside tip: Unpaved roads such as old logging trails are less obvious than paved roads, and are therefore more likely to be ignored by anglers. Scan the surrounding terrain for indentations indicating an old road leading into the lake.
概要:リザーバーへ入っていく古い道路。 道路の表面は、アスファルト、砂利または土でできていてもよい。 アスファルト道路は水没する前から壊れていたことが多い。 道路は底からめくれ上がって、裏側にスタンプや岩が並んでいる場合もあります。
春バスへの重要性:水が暖まるにつれて、ディープからシャローまでバスが辿るまた別の「ハイウェイ」となります。 いくつかのバスは水没した路上に産卵することがあります。
ベストアプローチ:ディープダイビングクランクベイトをストラクチャーと平行に通します。 最初に道路の上を通してから、道路の両サイドのロックまたはスタンプを通してください。
秘密のヒント:古い伐採コース跡などの未舗装道路は、舗装された道路よりも明白ではないため、釣り人から無視される可能性が高くなります。 周囲の地形をスキャンして、湖に通じる古い道を示す段差を探します。
Description: Water entering a lake via tributaries, ditches, culverts, etc. draining the surrounding terrain following warm spring rains.
Importance to spring bass: The body temperature of a bass matches that of its surroundings. In the cold water typical of early spring, bass are sluggish, but their activity level picks up quickly when the temperature of their surroundings rises following a warm spring deluge. Run-off also flushes worms and insect larvae into the lake, jump-starting the food chain.
Best approach: Move to the extreme back-end of an inflowing tributary and fan-cast a spinnerbait or deep-diving crankbait.
Inside tip: An unseasonably warm rain in early spring can trigger a mass emergence of crayfish from hibernation. Root a craw-colored crankbait across the bottom in run-off areas.
春バスへの重要性:バスの体温は周囲の温度と一致します。 春の典型的な冷たい水の中では、バスは低速ですが、暖かい春の陽気が流れ込みの水温を上昇させると、その活動レベルはすぐに上がります。 流れ込みは、ミミズや昆虫の幼虫を湖の中に流し入れ、食物連鎖を活性化させます。
秘密のヒント:春の間に季節外れの暖かい雨が降ると、冬眠中だったザリガニの大量出現を引き起こす可能性があります。 流れ込みエリアのボトムを横切るようにザリガニカラーのクランクベイトを通してください。
Description: The first green aquatic vegetation to appear in spring.
Importance to spring bass: Weeds are considered by most bass pros to be the #1 cover for bass. They provide hiding and ambush places, and attract a variety of forage species including shiners, crayfish and bluegills. Weeds also filter impurities from the water and produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
Best approach: Look for emerging vegetation in shallow areas of quiet coves and tributary arms, where solar penetration is maximized. Cast a tube bait or plastic worm doused in liquid fish attractant (so it can slide more easily through the cover) to the thickest past of the grass and work it to the outer perimeter. If the water is clear, try twitching a silver or gold floater/diver minnow around the grass.
Inside tip: Weeds usually appear first in the northwest corner of the lake. This is the area most protected from cold north winds, so the water will be warmest here.
Description: Indentation in the shoreline, usually oval shaped, with a depth of at least 8 feet in the middle.
Importance to spring bass: Bass often suspend in the middle of these structures after making their initial move toward the shoreline from deep water.
Best approach: If the water is clear, fan-cast a suspending jerkbait around the pocket.
Inside tip: This is a great spot for a lipless crankbait. Look for baitfish flipping in the pocket, then fan-cast the crankbait around the structure.
秘密のヒント:これは、バイブレーションのための素晴らしい場所です。 この小さなワンドの中に裏返し(瀕死)のベイトフィッシュを探し、バオブレーションを地形変化の周りへ扇型にキャストします。