Photo by in-fisherman.com
本日は海外サイトより、”Largemouth Spinnerbait Color Scheming”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします!
Over the past decade, bass champion Kevin Van Dam has demonstrated his prowess with spinnerbaits, outfishing the best bass anglers in the world time after time. Observers often note that Van Dam fishes slowly, but in rapid fashion. He precisely executes each cast and retrieve, feeling the bait move at all times. Yet he covers water at an incredible clip, somehow seining out any bass willing to bite. Not surprising that his lure of choice often is a spinnerbait.
“I grew up fishing a spinnerbait in clear lakes in Michigan,” Van Dam says, “and on the tournament trail, I’ve found how well spinnerbaits work in the dingiest water we visit. Spinnerbaits can work anywhere and any time of day or season, provided you select your lure carefully.”
Van Dam focuses primarily on three selection criteria. The first factor is water clarity; second, light and sky conditions and surface chop; and third, dominant forage in the body of water.
He recommends: “Take all three into consideration when taking out a spinnerbait first thing in the morning. Often you can plan the first and third factors ahead of time, but you have to get on the water to determine sky conditions and light factors.
“I like to watch spinnerbaits from underwater; it aids in understanding the way they attract fish,” he says. “In clear, calm water, the surface looks silvery, like a mirror. Light-color spinnerbaits blend with the surface when seen from below, the angle that bass generally see the lure. I try to fish spinnerbaits above the fish about 95 percent of the time.
“A key to spinnerbait fishing is disguising the lure, masking its true identity and instead giving it the aura of a live preyfish. The blades provide flash for attraction, but bass attack the head and skirt. That’s why spinnerbaits hook fish well—they bite from behind the hook, as on a jig.
「私は水中からスピナーベイトを見上げるのが好きです。魚を引き付ける方法を理解するのに役立つので」と彼は言います。 「クリアウォーターでベタ凪なら、(下から見ると)表面は鏡のように銀色に見えますので、明るい色のスピナーベイトは、下から見たときに水面と混ざり合います。バスが一般的にルアーを見る角度です。私は約95%で魚の上でスピナーベイトの釣りをします。」
“For spinnerbait fishing, though, optimum conditions are low light with some chop. These conditions break up the light, reduce light penetration, and seem to encourage bass to feed more actively. You can’t beat a spinnerbait in those conditions. In clear water, bass can be caught on almost any color, but in my experience, you’ll catch more and bigger fish with natural colors in the skirt and head, and metallic or painted blades.
“In clear water, consider a translucent look to the lure, like actual shad, shiners, silversides, or other baitfish. Strike King, for example, offers five different shades of spinnerbait with a basic shad appearance.
“In clear water, I also pay attention to the head design and color. The blades become a blur and the skirt wavers, but the head stays still, with just a bit of vibration from the arm above. I feel that bass focus on the head, so the more lifelike, the better. Eyes are important, and even small details like gill slits and red highlights can draw extra strikes. Attention to detail is most important in clear water, as you’d guess.
“In clear water, metallic blades sometimes give off too much flash. In the northern states, sometimes you’ll start catching lots of pike but few good-size bass. I take a waterproof marker and color the outside of the blade, the reflective side, green or blue. This still offers flash, but it’s muted. The color will stay on for a couple hours.
“In ideal spinnerbait conditions on a clear lake, I often fish white willow-leaf blades on a fast retrieve. Flash from metallic blades is reduced under cloudy conditions, and the painted blades give the lure greater visibility. Visibility is important because under these conditions, fish see a bait and attack it from a good distance. But from below, the lure is still somewhat disguised because the sky looks whitish when it’s cloudy, and wave action breaks up the profile, too.
“Vegetation also helps disguise a spinnerbait and make it look edible. That’s one reason spinnerbaits work so well over weedy flats. Another favorite of mine for a dark day is a double willowleaf model with one blade painted white and one chartreuse.
“In stained water, I go to two extremes,” Van Dam continues. “Chartreuse contrasts with most backgrounds, and its fluorescent characteristics help bass home in on it. But black also works in dark water.
“Most stained water is brown, green, or reddish. Black still contrasts. Of course, I work with blade types, too, under those conditions. I choose Colorado blades for their thump and vibration, saving willowleafs for clearer conditions. And slower retrieves work better in stained water, giving bass more time to locate a source of vibration and hints of color. In clear water, faster retrieves are better.
“The final factor is dominant preyfish, and I consider three basic categories. Most preyfish are similar, with silver, some green and blue, and a touch of yellow, including shad, shiners, alewives, and others. Sunfish species, primarily bluegill, greens, pumpkinseed, and shellcracker, can be important prey, along with yellow perch.
“Spinnerbaits with a mix of blue, green, and chartreuse in the skirt imitate sunfish well. For perch, green with a bit of black and a touch of red and white works. For crayfish, browns and greens are good, as well as reds and oranges. These colors give a general crawfish pattern, though I still retrieve the lure so it’s above the bass, not a natural crawfish position, of course. But those colors still can be the best choice in spring and fall when bass rely on crawfish.”