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本日は海外サイトより、”8 Prespawn Crankbait Secrets You May Not Know”という記事を引用してご紹介いたします。

引用先:scout.com”8 Prespawn Crankbait Secrets You May Not Know”by WALKER SMITH 04/29/2014(海外サイトです)







The popularity of red crankbaits explodes in the early spring months and it’s largely due to a common misconception among anglers. Contrary to popular belief, not all crawfish are red in color.

“Early spring bass fishing usually coincides with the crawfish becoming much more active as they emerge from their winter hiding spots,” Iaconelli said. “So in a way, people are right—bass eat a bunch of crawfish this time of year. But are they all red? Absolutely not.”

If they’re not all red, what color are they? That depends largely upon your geographic location. Iaconelli has a few tricks up his sleeve that help him determine the predominate colors of a fishery’s crawfish population.

“Throughout Texas and many parts of the Tennessee River, you’ll notice a lot of red tones to the crawfish,” Iaconelli said. “But in other areas of the country, you’ll see a lot of oranges, greens and blues. You can research an area’s colors online sometimes, but when you get to the lake, kick rocks over at the boat ramp and start looking for crawfish. Also pay close attention to the bass’ throats because you’ll see all kinds of antennas and pincers sticking out.”


「早春のバス釣りは通常、ザリガニが冬の隠れ場所から出てくるのと同時期になりますので、はるかに活発になっています。 」アイコネリは言います。「なんといっても、みんなはこう…今が一年で一番ザリガニを集中して食べている。と思っていますね?しかし、ザリガニはすべて赤ですかと言えば、それは違います。」

彼らはすべて赤ではない場合、ではどのような色なのか?それは地理的位置に大きく依存します。 アイコネリは自分の引き出しの中にいくつかのコツを持っていて、その釣り場のザリガニの個体数の主な色を決定するのに役立てています。





photo by scout.com

After fishing a while without any action, it’s easy to start daydreaming of more productive days and better fishing. If you want to optimize your early spring cranking, however, you need to stay focused for the entire duration of each and every cast.



Neutral buoyancy is a very desirable crankbait characteristic in cold water temperatures. Iaconelli changes the belly hook of his No. 5 Shad Rap to a No. 4 VMC Short Shank Round Bend Treble and the tail hook to a No. 5 VMC Short Shank Treble. Just by upsizing his trebles, he’s able to make a No. 5 Shad Rap suspend perfectly on 6 to 8-pound fluorocarbon.

“Like we’ve already discussed, a change in direction is everything when you’re cranking,” Iaconelli said. “You can achieve this with two different approaches—physical deflection and crankbait design. By picking a crankbait that runs a little deeper than the depth you’re targeting, you’ll be able to deflect that lure off of small rocks, stumps and submerged trees to elicit reaction strikes. Or you can use a ‘hunting’ crankbait such as the Scatter Rap. With just a quick increase in your retrieve speed, you can make it change directions easily.”

It’s also good practice to keep a close eye on your retrieve speed throughout the day. By increasing your retrieve speed as the water warms, you’ll enjoy much more consistent success.

浮力が釣り合うことは、冷水温度において非常に望ましいクランクベイトの特性です。 アイコネリはシャッドラップ05のベリーフックをVMCショートシャンクラウンドベンドトレブル#5に変更し、テールフックをVMCショートシャンクトレブル#5に変更しましています。トレブルフックをアップサイズするだけで、05シャドラップを6〜8ポンドのフロロカーボンで完全にサスペンドにすることができます。




“When I’m fishing a Shad Rap in cold water, I’m fishing it very slow and will incorporate several long pauses into the retrieve,” Iaconelli said. “The fish aren’t necessarily looking to chase down a meal, so a deliberate presentation is the way to go.”

「私が冷たい水でシャッドラップで釣っているときは非常にスローに釣り、リトリーブ中に何回かのロングポーズを組み込むだろう」とアイコネリは語った。 「バスは必ずしも食事を追いかけるとは限らないので、意図的にプレゼンテーションすることが秘訣だ」



“I’ll reel my Scatter Rap at a moderate pace, but I also make sure to utilize small changes in speed throughout the retrieve,” Iaconelli said. “I’ll pause it for a second or two and then burn it for a few handle turns to make the bass react.”

「私ならスキャッターラップを適度なペースで巻くつもりだが、リトリーブ中に小さなスピードの変化を利用することも確実にしている」とアイコネリは語った。 「1〜2秒間停止してから、数回ハンドルを回してバスを反応させます。」



This temperature range is conducive to faster retrieves and fewer pauses,” Iaconelli said. “The bass’ metabolism is high, they’re on the move and they’re not afraid to chase down their food.”

「この温度範囲はリトリーブの高速化とポーズの短縮につながります」とアイコネリは述べています。 「バスの代謝は高く、彼らは動いており、獲物を追うのを恐れていない」



Early spring bass are looking to spawn, hence the term “prespawn period”. As you search for a productive crankbait pattern, it’s important to understand the value of map study. It allows you to pinpoint the bass’ wintering locations and nearby spawning grounds, giving you a distinct advantage over other anglers.

“Bass are going to winter in the deepest, most vertical areas of a lake,” Iaconelli said. “It’s where they spend the most extreme times of the year in both the winter and summer months. If you can locate a few likely wintering holes on a map and find nearby spawning pockets, all you have to do is connect the dots. The bass will always travel along the contours—they’re not making random, uncalculated movements. Look for any features that jut out and interrupt these contour lines such as underwater points, long boat docks, grass lines, rip rap or even boat ramps.”

Unlike many other bass fishing presentations, crankbaits allow you to cover massive amounts of water in a short amount of time. To use this to your advantage, Iaconelli suggests casting at a 45-degree angle to the bank. While parallel and perpendicular angles often focus on specific depth ranges, these quartering casts will allow your crankbait to hit every depth zone along a particular contour, increasing your odds of generating a strong, replicable pattern.


「湖の最も深い、最も切り立ったエリアでバスが越冬するだろう」とアイコネリは語った。 「冬と夏の両方で、バスが最も過酷な時期を過ごす場所です。あなたが地図上にいくつかの越冬場所の可能性の高いスポットを見つけることができ、その近くのスポーニングスポットを見つけることができれば、後はそのスポット同士を接続するだけです。バスは常に等深線に沿って移動します – ランダムで、計算されていない動きをしていません。等高線を妨害する水中ポイント…長いボートドック、ウィードライン、リップラップ、ボートランプなど、これらのあらゆる特徴を探してください。




Many fisheries have hundreds, if not thousands, of shallow bays, pockets and fingers, making it difficult to pinpoint likely spawning grounds. When you find them, however, it makes it much easier to catch early spring bass with a crankbait. If you know from where the bass are coming and where they’re headed, you’ll have a much clearer idea of their likely travel route.

Iaconelli looks for three important characteristics when searching for prime spawning areas.




“Bass are much more likely to spawn in areas with a hard bottom,” Iaconelli said. “We’re not necessarily talking about rock, but bottom compositions laden with sand or pea gravel are very high percentage areas. It’s tough to find spawners in areas with a muddy, soft bottom.”

「ボトムが硬いエリアではバスが出現する可能性が非常に高い」とアイコネリは語った。 「私は必ずしも岩について話しているわけではありませんが、砂や砂利の敷かれたボトムコンポジションは非常に高い割合を占めています。泥だらけの柔らかいボトムを持つエリアでは、産卵する個体を見つけるのは難しい」



Light penetration does two important things,” Iaconelli said. “It warms up the water so it reaches suitable spawning temperatures and it also helps fertilize the eggs.”

「光の浸透は2つの重要なことをします」とアイコネリは述べています。 「それは適切な産卵温度に達するように水を温め、また卵を孵化させるのにも役立ちます。」



“Creeks or pockets with an active flow of water in the back are not optimal for spawning activity,” Iaconelli said. “Bass prefer calm, stable water that isn’t prone to abrupt fluctuation. If an area is calm and flat without an excess of runoff or moving water, a bass is much more likely to spawn there.”

「増水や減水により水位が変わるクリークやポケットは、産卵には適していない」とアイコネリは語った。 「バスは、急激な変動を起こしにくい静かで安定した水を好む。もしあるエリアが流れや水の動きがなくても静かで水位変動がない場所なら、そこはバスにははるかに産卵しやすいでしょう。













